October 20, 1988 29 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL RESOLUTION 106 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Engineering Representative Les Lambert Authored by: Engineering Representative A RESOLUTION Les Lambert WHEREAS: The adoption of Amendment 6 will jeopardize higher education in Colorado and will cripple the University of Colorado. WHEREAS: The fundamentals of democracy ensure the power of citizens to make accountable their elected representatives. WHEREAS: The responsible levying of taxes by elected officials represents a fair and efficient means of ensuring the quality of government services. WHEREAS: The adoption of Amendment 6 will impose the will of the minority over the will of the majority thus underminig the precepts of democracy. WHEREAS: The education of all of its citizens, to enable their making of intelligent decisions pertaining to taxation, would encumber the government with a responsibility far beyond its ability to manage. WHEREAS: The bolstering of Colorado's economy by the presence of University research would evaporate with the difficulty in obtaining finances. WHEREAS: Needed expansion of University facilities would become inordinately more difficult. WHEREAS: Tuition increase decisions may fall in the hands of those incapable of applying objectivity and sensitivity to the needs of students. WHEREAS: The University will immediately be inflicted with major cuts in funding as tax levels return to 90% of 1987 levels. THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED by the Executive Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: 29 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL RESOLUTION /1106- Page 2 SECTION 1: The students of the Unlversi ty of Colorado are encouraged to educate themselves of the ramifications of Amendment 6. SECTION 2: The students are urged to vote against Amendment 6. SECTION 3: This resolution takes effect upon passage. 10/20/88- PASSES- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL- 14-0-3 ~~ Drew Bolin President Pro-T em pore UCSU Executive Council