30 EXECUTIVE BILL 1/2 November 10, 1988 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Tri-Executives President Pro-Tempore Authored by: Chris Drummond Susie Fairchild Tim Kauffman Drew Bolin Chris Drummond Susie Fairchild Tim Kauffman Tri-Executives A BILL BILL HISTORY Nightride has been very successful in the past year and greater publicity could only help its ridership. BILL SUMMARY Nightride is available to take students to a number of destinations on or near campus. This bill will make the transition from fall semester to Spring a smoother one. BE IT ENACTED by the Legislative Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: UCSU Legislative Council, Tri-Executives and their staff shall volunteer to drive the Nightride Van. SECTION 2: UCSU Legislative Council the 1st 2 weeks of the Spring Semester 1989 will volunteer to drive the Nightride van SECTION 3: The Nightride/Nightwalk Coordinator shall schedule drivers. SECTION 4: This legislation takes effect upon passage by the Legislative Council and Executive approval through Executive signature or six days passage. 11/T0/88- FAILS- LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL- 6-7-1