-;-:--, March 16, 1989 30 EXECUTIVE BILL /19 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Tri-Executives · Representative-at-Large Authored by: Tr i-Execu ti ve UCSU Affirrna tive Action Commissioner Chris Drummond Susie Fairchild Tim Kauffman Dawn Massop Tim Kauffman Rochelle Archuleta A BILL ---------------------BILL HISTORY In April of 1988, UCSU sponsored a multicultural event called "UJIMA", which was purported to be an African word meaning "collective work and responsibility". The UJIMA Celebration recognized the many different ethnic cultures represented on campus, in Colorado and beyond. It featured gospel singing, ethnic dances, cultural fo,od and a recognition of the people of CU, Boulder who continue to work toward cultural and ethnic pluralism on campus. Although we have since learned that the proper name for the event was UMOJA, a Swahili name of the definition earlier credited to "UJIMA", the spirit of the lJ-day celebration has remained the same and will include such interesting events as cooking lessons with cultural food, a concert by the UMOJA Gospel Choir, a Keynote address by US Representative Ben Nighthorse Campbell and many more. The total cost for this event is naturally of considerable magnitude, but many expenses have already been elirnina ted through donations. However, advertising expenses will be running at $592.90 and have not been covered yet. BILL SUMMARY This bill allocates $592.90 + GAR to cover some advertising costs for the UMOJA Celebration in April. BE IT ENACTED by the Legislative Council of the University of Colorado Student -----Union, THAT: SECTION 1: An amount not to exceed $592.90 + GAR will be allocated from Central Reserve to pay for advertising for the U MOJA Celebration in April. SECTION 2: A written report will be submitted pursuant to 24 ECB //4. SECTION 3: This bill takes effect upon passage • .3/16/89- PASSES- LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL- 1st Reading- 13-0-2 3/23/89- PASSES- LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL- 2nd Reading- 10-0-1 30 EXECUTIVE BILL 1/9 - Page 2 BUDGET $1625.00 -375.00 $1350.00 Honoraria Dona ted Honoraria Total Honoraria $ Food Room Rental Awards Transportation (1 Los Angeles R T) Lodging (Clarion/ 1 dbl. occp.) Logo Design Advertising: Colorado Daily (4 x Y4) C a mpus Press ( 1 x Y4) Campus Press (1 x Y4) $ 95.00 $ 258.00 $ 50.00 $ 40.00 $ $ 522.90 Subtotal 30.00 40.00 Total Advertising Total Estirna ted Cost (not including room rental) _,II ; ' : ··' /~ -/ ' ;j "'I ----~~~ / /;I' ~ 7 ·/f_, f'->'( C /.-· l f1'(. v '~·lt ~ David Hummels President Pro-Tempore UCSU Legislative Council -l ~;_ / · ·· _.L _ _ _ __ $ 592.90 $3422.95 --------- ·- --------------- .i 386.40 $ 6&.25 $ 68.25 300 Fliers Dept. N\ailing I 800.00 ~:~oo~ UCSU Executive -