30 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL BILL 1/13 December 8, 1988 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Graduate Representative President Pro-Tempore Music Representative Jack Bigner Drew Bolin Brad Mueller Authored by: Graduate Representative A BILL Jack Bigner BILL HISTORY Legislative Council may not have enough money to meet the needs of student groups and the expense of official functions until the end of the fiscal year. Many in UCSU have expressed that view. One reason that this problem may be occurring is that Legislative Council does not have current accurate information on the condition of its account. In addition to Legislative Council's General Reserve account, it may benefit the student body and Legislative Council f'Or it to know the condition of the accounts of bodies which allocate money for similar purposes. This bill attempts to make Legislative Council more aware of those and its own account. BILL SUMMARY · This bill provides for the reporting of the financial status of two councils (or three if the companion Financial Restructuring Bill is passed) and one board, since it is those bodies which primarily allocate student monies to student groups, SOC is excepted since it uses checkoff money. This bill establishes the reporting of line items, balances, and average expenditures for the affected councils and boards. ' • • - .. BE IT ENACTED by the Union, THAT: Legisl~_tJy~ . - ~ • • - _. •. • • · ~· ,. ' .~ ~ .. .... • • to. ' .... .. 1: - ~ - ' ~ • "1 • Council of the University of Colorado Student . . . SECTION 1: The reporting requireinents shall cover the accounts of Legislative Council, Representative Council (if applicable), the Councn of Colleges and Schools, and Cultural Events Board. SECTION 2: The financial report shall consist of one section per council or board. Each section shall consist of line i terns containing the group name, item or event funded, and amount. Items included shall be those appearing on the respective ledger since the last report. The report shall contain an addi tiona! section containing the current balance and average expenditure per meeting of each council or board. The report shall also include the number of Legislative Council meetings remaining in the fiscal year. SECTION 3: The President Pro-Tempore and the Treasurer of Legislative Council shall be jointly and separately responsible for obtaining the correct figures from the Student Finance Office and including the information in each Legislative Council agenda. . 30 LEGISLATIVE ·COUNCIL BILL 013- Page 2 SECTION 4: This bill takes effect upon passage 12T08/88- PASSED- LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL- 12-0-0 () t~ lieu~ (~'"--' tV / David Hummels President Pro-Tempore UCS U Leglsla tive Council ,. '·-.. ... . , .. ---·------,., .... ~ ..: :;""" - -· - ~·~ .., 7 ·.,:~- ~---.. - -· Chris Drummond UCSU Executive ,. ... ,. .... "' ~ ' ~ ~ . -- -f