December 8, 1988 30 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL BILL /114 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Authored by: Graduate Representative Music Representative Journalism Representative Graduate Representative Jack Bigner Brad Mueller Jim Mahoney Jack Bigner A BILL BILL HISTORY The University of Colorado Student Union Legislative Council did not originally spend a large portion of its time allocating student monies, but spent time on student issues. Gradually, the process of allocating money to student groups was shifted to Legislative Council away from the Joint Boards. This process has resulted in a Student Union that is less effective for student needs. Student needs include more than just allocating money. This bill is an attempt to address the time allocated by the Legislative Council in the allocation of student monies. It will result in a decrease in time spent on allocations proportional to the spending cap given to Representative Council and the Council of Colleges and Schools. The more time freed as a result of this bill, the more time that can be used to address such issues as the Student Information System, the Colorado Student Association, parking problems, and the quality of education. In addition, the Representative Council will now be able to play a part in the allocation of monies to student groups; and will have more visibility as a part of the student legislature. The same will apply to the Council of Colleges and Schools, whose referenda account will be put to better use. BILL SUMMARY This bill allocates money from Legislative Council Central Reserve to Representative Council, allows for re-allocation to Represen.tative Council and to , the Council of Colleges and Schools, and provides a decision mechanism for the distribution of bills to Legislative Council, Representative Council, the Council of Colleges and Schools, and in some cases the Cultural Events Board. BE IT ENACTED by the Legislative Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: Directing of Bills SUBSECTION 1: Deflni tion: For the purposes of this bill, "the cap" shall be the amount of $7 50.00 excluding GAR. SUBSECTION 2: Any bill of the amount of the cap or less shall be brought ·to either Representative Council or the Council of Colleges and Schools. 30 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL BILL 1/14- Page 2 SUBSECTION 3: Legislative Coun'cil shall direct Representative Council and the Courcil of Colleges and Schools to amend their spending caps to the amount of the cap expressed in this bill. SUBSECTION 4: The process for readings of bills and special order bills in each council shall remain as done now in Legilative Council and the Council of Colleges and Schools. SUBSECTION 5: No event, travel, etc. shall be funded by more than one of Representative Council, Council of Colleges and Schools, or Legislative Council. SUf)SECTION 6: In gener.JI, t'1ere s!u ll ~),: ,,,) t ;'i 1 t , \ t,:r-.~ ;:.ll tu ur1 y c oun c i 1. nills llli:l y be a ppcalcd if there is eviden ce t hat the funded party's rights have have been violated or that the bill failed for some cause other than its own merits.· Bills shall be appealed to Legislative Council. SUBSECTION 7: The Council of Colleges and Schools shall i'n general handle bills origina tlng from schools which are represented or groups in those schools. Representative Council shall in general handle bills originating from general student population or SOC type groups. The Speaker of Representative Council, Speaker of Council of Colleges and Schools, and the President Pro-Tempore of Legislative Council shall make contact weekly to arrange the bill dockets for each council. They shall be responsible for each council. They shall be responsible for arranging the dockets in a timely manner. In some cases a bill may be directed to Cultural Events Board if appropriate. Distribution of workload between Representative Council and the Council of Colleges and Schools shall be considered when arranging the bill dockets. SECTION 2: Monetary allocation to councils SUBSECTION 1: A new account shall be established for Representative Council and that account shall be funded from Legislative Council Central Reserve to tLe amount of $10,000. · SUBSECTION 2: If necessary, the budget for the Council of Colleges and Schools shall Le increased such that the total budget for the fiscal year is $10,000. The funding shall come from Legislative Council Central Reserve. SUBSECTION 3: The budget for Representative council and the Council of Coloeges and Schools shall be subject to increase by funding from Legislative Council Centra REserve by passage in bill form. Any such bill must pass by 2/3 vote of Legislative Council and shall not be introduced until the respective account falls below $4000.00 on the Student !finance Office ledger. The Speaker of Representative Council and the Speaker of the Council of Colleges and Schools shall be responsible for 'maintaining an adequate balance in the respective accounts. This subsection does not exclude funding by referenda; however, if Representative Council should obtain money by referenda, its account shall be treated as in Subsection 2. Subsection 1 and 2 shall be applied automatically at the beginning of succeeding fiscal years. SECTION 3: This bill takes effect upon passage. 12708/88- POSTPONED- LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL- until 1/12/88 1/12/89 -Sent to rules committee -no opposition