February 9, 1989 30 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL BILL 1126 . UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: President Pro-Tempore Represen ta ti ve-a t-Large Law Representative David Hummels Vicky Powell Vicky Ortega Authored by: President Pro-Tempore Representative-at-Large David Hummels Vicky Powell A BILL BILL HISTORY In the February 6, 1989 issue of the Campus Press an ad was placed in ·the Fine Line stating, "STOP RAPE, say Yes". This ad is extremely offensive and is potentially dangerous to women. It implies that there should be no such thing as the concept of rape -- that women should be the sexual property of men, and therefore saying "no" is not a woman's right. These implications are clearly misogynistic. The ad was included in spite of the fact that the Campus Press prints a disclaimer reserving the right to not print ads that are "obscene, racist, sexist, or in any way offensive to any segment of (the Campus Press) readership." Additionally, Legislative Council was given, amidst abject apologies, assurances that there would be no repetition of racist and sexist ads in the Fine Line. In spite of the oversight procedures the Campus Press promised, offensive material has once again appeared. Research on college campuses indicates that 52% of women students surveyed have experienced some kind of sexual victimization. One in eight female students are raped. It is clear that rape and sexual victimization should be serious concerns for UCB students. In November, 1988 UCB released a policy in sexual harassment. In its statement of policy, the document serves notice that, "It is the policy of the University of Colorado at Boulder to maintain the University community as a place of work, study, and residence free of sexual harassment ••• The University is com rni tted to taking appropriate action against those who violate the Univer:si ty's policy prohibiting sexual harassment." Later, the document defines harassment in part by noting it is beha v lor that creates an environr:nen t that is " ••• intimidating, hostile, or offensive .•• " It is the feeling of the Legislative body that the Fine Line section of the Campus Press has contained, currently contains, and if we are to judge from past example, will continue to contain material that is sexually harassing and creates a dangerous , and hostile situation for women on this campus. It is not our intention to in any way censor or curtail the activities of the press. They have the right to print material that is legally allowable, and we fully support that right. However, as members of the Legislature, we have the right, and certainly the responsibility, to see that student fees do not contribute to the creation of a hostile and threatening campus environment. 30 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL BILL 1/26 - Page 2 BILL SUMMARY UCSU Legis1ative Council forbids the use of student fees, currently budgeted for in any account contained within UCSU Proper, for any activity that would give financial support to the Campus Press for a period of two weeks following the passage of this bill. BE IN ENACTED by the Legislative Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: No account under the auspices of UCSU Proper wiU use any of its student fee money for the financial support of the Campus Press for a period of two weeks immediately following passage of this bill. This bill will effect all accounts included under UCSU Proper SECTION 2: only, and not the entirety of UCSU. UCSU Proper includes, but is not limited to; Legislative Council, the Executive Discretionary Account, and Public Relations. SECTION 3: This bill shall not apply retroactively to those groups who have previously been authorized by this Council to spend student fees (33-39 FY), However, this Council expressly reserves the right to deny funding requests for advertising in print media for the rest of FY 33-39. SECTION 4: Upon receipt of information that any accounts included under Section 2 have spent student fee money in financial support of the Campus Press, the UCSU Finance Director will freeze those accounts until such a time as Legislative Council can meet to determine additional sanctions. SECTION 5: This bill takes effect upon passage. 2/09/89 - PASSES - LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL - 1st Reading - 10-6-0-2/16/89- PASSES- LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL- 2nd Reading- 14-2-2 2/23/89 - VETOED by Tri-Executives f)~~ David Hummels President Pro-Tempore UCSU Legislative Council Chris Drummond UCSU Executive Susie Fairchild UCSU Executive Tim Kauffman UCSU Executive