30 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL BILL 1/27 February 16, 198 9 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Journalism Representative Jim Mahoney Authored by: Engineering Student Les Lambert Agitproper A BILL BILL HISTORY A certain proportion of CU students are essentially nocturnal. Taxed by classes requiring an unnatural allocation of time and burdened by class loads sometimes demanding the sacrifice of sleep, the nocturnal are forced to seek out space in which to devote themselves to study. In the past few years CU has become closed to the nocturnal student. Computing Services has made terminals less available. The Engineering Center locks its doors at night. Norlin Library closes at twelve as do its subsidiaries. The UMC closes at · eleven. Although the question of the numbers of students using these facilities at night might be argued as being small, most students are routinely forced into situations requiring all-night study. Having a place to study on campus at night would seem to be essential to a University striving to be regarded as academically distinguished. Because· the Administration has not taken the initiative in the matter, the Student Union should allow the students the opportunity to make the fiscal choice. Surely the University must reconcile the discord between its budget and our education. BILL SUMMARY This bill places a referendum on the Spring 1989 UCSU Election ballot. BE IT ENACIED by the Legislative Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: . SECTION 1: . The UCSU Election Commissioner be instructed to place the following referendum on the Spring 1989 UCSU ELection ballot: "Do you support the direction of your student fees to extend the hours of the Alferd Gee Packer Grill to allow late night study." SECTION 2: This bill will take effect upon passage. 02/16/89 -Pulled from Legislative Council