~- 30 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL BILL /135 March 2, 1989 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Rperesen ta tive-a t-Large Karey Ullem.eyer Authored by: College Republicans Cathleen Trail A BILL BILL HISTORY This is a proposal requesting funds for the presentation of a film depicting the "other side" of the presidential campaign. This film follows presidential hopefuls including: Jesse Jackson, Gary Hart, Al Gore, Michael Dulakis, Bob Dole, Pat Robertson, and George Bush, from the Iowa primaries to Atlanta and New Orleans, and finally to the Inauguration. This film was previewed by several members of College Republicans, who all felt that it had bi-partisan appeal, and would be particul~.ry enjoyable to anyone who had ever participated in a campaign. The creator of the film, Bill Stamets, is currently teaching in the film studies department. He recently took this film to Chicago for a showing, where it was received with great enthusiasm. BILL SUMMARY We are asking UCSU for $200.00 plus GAR to pay Bill Stamets as an honorarium, and for $43.20 advertising. He will give his presentation on March 12, 1989 from 8- 10pm in UMC 158 A&B. BE IT ENACTED by the Legislative Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: I SECTION 1: An amount not to exceed $243.20 plus GAR shall be allocated from Central Reserve to fund the showing of this filmĀ·. SECTION 2: A report shall be submitted pursuant to 24 ECB 1/4. SECTION 3: This bill will take effect upon passage. 3{02789- PASSES---LEGlSl:ATIVE .COUNCit; :.-sPECIAl; ORDE1t- 14-0-1 BUDGET Advertising: Colorado Dally- 2, 2x2 (3/14, 3/15) 100 Flyers/Posters Honorarium for Bill Stamets Total $ 33.20 10.00 200.00 $243.20 . t' 30 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL BILL 1135- Page 2 ~Mu~~ David Hummels President Pro-Tempore UCSU Legislative Council