30 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL BILL 1/42 March 9, 1989 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Tri-Executives Journalism Representatives Authored by: Tri-Executive Journalism Representative A BILL Susie Fairchild Tim Kauffman Chris Drummond Jim Mahoney Kris Jones Chris Drummond Jim Mahoney BILL HISTORY Mr. Anthony Harrigan is the President of the United States Business Industrial Council. The University of Colorado at Boulder has the unique opportunity to hear hirn speak about American. values. Because he will be traveling through the Boulder area on Thursday, April 27th, we have the chance to have him speak at 7:00pm in Chemistry 140. Mr. Harrigan is the author of eight books and scores of essays in leading journals in the United States, Canada and Europe. He has spoken before- many academic, professional and business audiences, including Harvard University, the U.S. National War College, the Executives Club of Ch_icago, Vanderbilt University and has appeared on television and radio in many parts of this country and overseas. Mr. Harrigan has contributed to a wide variety of journals, including, New York Times Book Review and the World Affairs and National Review • . Mr. Harrigan is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Modern Age. He also has served as a member of the South Carolina Research Committee Commission on Higher Education. As a reporter, Mr. Harrigan's assignments took him to Vietnam, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Southwest Africa (Namibia), Japan, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Panama and many other countries. He has also twice been the recipient of the Military Review Award of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College for excellence fn ·m ill tary writing. Born in New York City in 1925, Mr. Harrigan was educated Charleston, South Carolina, Garden City, New York and at Massacusetts. During World War II he served with the U.S. received higher education at Bard College, Kenyon and the in the public schools of the Cambridge Schoolln Marine corps. He University of Virginia. BILL SUMMARY This bill allocates $926.65 + GAR from Central Reserve to bring Anthony Harrigan to speak about American Values. 30 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL BILL 042 - Page 2 BE IT ENACTED by the Legislative Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: An amount not to exceed $926.65 + GAR will be allocated from Central Reserve to bring Anthony Harrigan to speak about American Values. SECTION 2: A written report will be submitted pursuant to 24 LCB 1/4. SECTION 3: This bill will take effect upon passage. 3/09/89 -PASSES -LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL - 1st Reading - 8-1-2 . 3/16/89- PASSES- LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL- 2nd Reading- 12-0-1 BUDGET $700.00 Honorarium Advertising: Campus Press (M.pg ad, April 27) Colorado Daily (~pg, April 27) Colorado Daily (2x4, April 26) $ 89.00 $ 97.65 Total ~~ David Hummels President Pro-Tempore UCSU Legislative Council ~dzt~Ad£ Susi airchild U CS U Executive Chris Drummond UCSU Executive . 40.00 926.65