31 EXECUTIVE BILL /11 September 14, 1989 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Tri-Executives Representative-at-Large Authored by: Representative-at-Large Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant A BILL Alan Ikeya Dawn Massop Tracy Wahl Rick Ball Rick Ball Kristin Graff Tina Jonell BILL HISTORY In order to create the best possible experience for both student leaders and university officials, UCSU should take an active role in providing leadership training to the students who function as student representatives within the university. By providing a leadership seminar, UCSU will promote a positive and productive experience for both the student leaders and the university system. The goals of the conference are; 1) for student leaders to get to know one another on a personal level, 2) to provide leadership training, as well as personal growth, and 4) to establish a network system, in order to facilitate cooperation among leadership groups on campus. In anticipation of these goals, approximately 300 students comprised of 1) student group presidents, 2) sorority and fraternity presidents, 3) Residence Hall Representative Council leaders, 4)PLC leaders, 5) UCSU Legislative Council, and 6) UCSU Executive Staff will be invited to participate in the conference. The 2nd Annual UCSU Conference of Student Leaders will take place on Sunday, October 1, 1989 from 1:00-7:00 in Duane Physics and the UMC. The program will consist of speeches and workshops designed for the express purpose of realizing the aforementioned goals. Additionally, Kristin Graff and Tina Jonell are actively seeking funding from other University sources. BILL SUMMARY This bill shall allocate from Central Reserve an amount not to exceed $1,181.50 plus GAR towards funding a Conference for Student Leaders on October 1, 1989. BE IT ENACTED by the Legislative Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: 31 EXECUTIVE BILL II 1 - Page 2 LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE BUDGET Conference Packets: 300 Nametags 144 Pencils 150 Folders 200 Index Cards 180 Copies of Program 150 Copies of Workshop Materials $ 11.85 22.20 60.00 1.16 18.00 $ 163.24 $ 30.00 30.00 75.00 Mailings: Invitations (300) Copies (300) of Program Envelopes (300) Stamps (300) 50.00 75.00 Above i terns are covered by Arts & Science contribution of: Barbecue and Refreshments: Snack Tray and Beverages Barbecue $ 118.24 $ 281.48 $ 304.00 877.50 ,s-1 ' 181 • 50 UCSU contribution Agenda 12:45 - 1:00 1:00 - 2:00 2:15- 3:10 3:10- 3:30 3:30 - 4:25 4:30 - 5:25 5:30 - 5:45 5:45 - 7:00 Total Budget $1,462._98 Total plus GAR TOTAL $1,181.50 $ 57.89 $1239.39 Registration Welcome 1st set of workshops Break with refreshments 2nd set of workshops 3rd set of workshops President E. Gordon Gee Barbecue 9/14/89- PASSES- LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL- 1st Reading- 13-1-0 9/21/89- PASSES- LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL- 2nd Reading- ACCLAMATION 31 EB:h- 1 Second Annual UCSU Conference for Student Leaders Evaluation and Report Prepared by Tina Jonell and Kristin Graff Steps in planning the conference: - Designate date for conference. Come up with a goal for the conference. - Contact UMC Scheduling to reserve rooms. We used Duane Physics for the opening We used UMC 158 (A&B), 159 (A&B), 235, 245 for the workshops - Contact Aggie Madden for ideas about workshops. - Contact food services and get menus and price estimates. - Plan out workshop schedule and contact potential speakers. - Contact potential co-sponsors and ask for input. - Write letters to speakers informing them of conference goal and schedule. - Send out letters to potential contributors. We sent them to Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, Alumni Association, President, Vice President, and Co-sponsors. - Compile a list of potential participants. We used the following for references: UCSU Club Guide UMC room directory Schools and departments Residence Hall Council - Resident Advisors and Goverments UCSU directory - Executive Staff, Legislative Council, Boards Panhellenic and IFC - Write and present the budget to Legislative Council. - Set up an account with Finance Office upon approval. - Design and print invitations and envelopes. )\ - Confirm speakers and rooms. Request hand-outs from the workshop leaders. - Purchase supplies from UMC Book Store. We purchased pencils, folders, nametags, and index cards. Index cards were used to compile a directory of those who attended. - Confirm a menu with Food Service. This includes food selection and an estimated number of participants. - Send out flyers to every club on campus. - Call all student leaders to confirm attendance. - Call speakers and collect hand-outs for the workshops. - Draft evaluations for the conference. - Put together folders. - Run . conference! - Collect evaluations. - Send out thank-you notes to the following: Speakers People who made money contributions Food Service Volunteers who helped organize the conference Co-sponsors - Compile a directory from information on index cards. - Send out directory with a thank you letter to all who attended. - Send extra conference folders and letters to all groups in the UMC who did not attend. - Write this report! We receive donations from the following: Arts and Sciences Student Government David Henson Chancellor Corbridge Student Leadership Institute IFC $294.46 $200.00 $200.00 $100.00 $ 75.00 According to evaluations from students, the Second Annual UCSU Conference for Student Leaders was successful. We were disappointed with the attendance at the conference, but student leaders who participated found the conference .extremely beneficial and enjoyable. We estimate that 60-70 students attended the conference, out of the 350 students invited. We feel through the following suggestions, · the attendance would increase substantially. The conference should be held right after school begins, rather than during midterms. We feel the attendance would increase if the conference was held on a school night, for a maximum of four hours. The goal of the conference being, "Working Together as Student Leaders," we feel four hours is enough time for students to "network." The time commitment is a big factor for student leaders and therefore we feel it is important to shorten the conference, as well as hold it at night. We recommend that the conference be held on a Sunday, from 5-9. This would include 45 minutes for the BBQ, which we feel is the most essential part of the conference. The BBQ provides students with the opportunity to get to know one another on a social level. We also recommend that conference expenditures be included in the general operating fund of the budget. As it is an annual event, the money should be included in the budget. The Student Leadership Institute has expressed interest in getting more involved in the initial planning and funding of the conference. We suggest that one member of the Student Leadership Institute and one member from UCSU executive staff, work together to plan the conference. We also recommend that co-sponsors of the conference get more involved. Use the resources of the co-sponsors. An example of this is having KUCB play at the BBQ. We suggest that in planning the program, don't plan too many workshops and speakers. This reduces the chance of speakers backing out at the last minute. We found that six workshops worked well, for it provided variety, yet it was organized. We also found that the color coded orouos worked well. It keot student~ tnnAthAr 0808199708081997