31 EXECUTIVE RESOLUTION Ul01 July 6, 1989 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Tri-Executives Represen ta ti ve-a t-Large Engineering Represen ta ti ve Authored by: Tri-Executives Tracy Wahl Alan Ikeya Dawn Massop Karey Ullemeyer Mike Drews Alan Ikeya Tracy Wahl Dawn Massop A RESOLUTION WHEREAS: Historically, the UCSU has been adament about containing the the rising costs of attending the University, including tuition, and student fees. Thus, the UCSU historically has been opposed to increases in the athletic fee. In addition, UCSU has been supportive of athletes as a student constituency, and has taken pride in winning teams (see 24 ECR Ill 08 and 30 LCR ill 05); and, WHEREAS: Given these conditions, the athletic department continues to rely on students to finance its program with a 18% direct subsidy proposed for the 1989-90 fiscal year. Thus, while supportive of athletes and athletic programs, students are distressed about the apparent lack of control they have in athletic fee increases and the subsequent spending of that fee. THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the Legislative Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: A student shall be appointed to sit on the Regent's Committee on Athletics. This student shall make quarterly reports to the UCSU, including the executives, and the legislative council. SECTION 2: Students shall be notified of any pending increases in said fee on a bi-annual basis (every six months). Each January students shall be given an update on athletic department revenues and expenditures, and the projected ability to meet that fiscal year's budget. SECTION 3: Per the June 1989 Dietze Resolution, students shall be kept informed about the President's discussions on reducing the cost of Big Eight intercollegiate athletics. SECTION 4: A student committee shall be established within the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics with representatives from UCSU and reps. from both major and minor sports. This committee shall be addressed monthly by the Financial 31 EXECUTIVE RESOLUTION 8101- Page 2 Director of Intercollegiate Athletics. SECTION 5: A fundraising plan shall be drawn up by the dept. of intercollegiate athletics that explains how funds will be raised to meet a 1990-91 inflation-adjusted budget of 10.4 million. This plan shall be complete by Dec. 1989 and shall not include an increase of student athletic fees. SECTION 6: The tri-executives will sponsor and organize a series of panels and open forums for the discussion of intercollegiate athletics at the Universl ty of Colorado - Boulder. In vi ted will be the Regents, Vice President of Budget and Finance, Athletic Director, Associate Director of Business Affairs (Athletic Dept.), Athletes and Students. SECTION 7: We strongly encourage that the Athletic Department circulate money back to the University in every possible aspect. (i.e. Scholarship athletes live in University owned buildings.) SECTION 8: Requests that other CU campuses contribute to the Athletic Fee according to their population percentage. SECTION 9: This resolution takes effect upon passage. 7/06/89- PASSES- LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL- ACCLAMATION z:~---Kuri' Colburn ~ President Pro-T em pore Summer Replacement UCSU Legislative Council Alan Ikeya UCSU Executive ~1 -11 {t -- Tracy Wahl UCSU ExecutL-qe '-../