·:------~ April 21, 1989 31 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL BILL Ill UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Arts &. Sciences Representative Engineering Representative Kurt Colburn Mike Drews Authored by: Arts & Sciences Representative UCSU Appellette Court Chelf Justice A BILL Kurt Colburn Rick Ball BILL HISTORY On April lOth and 11th, CU students passed a referenda allowing CU Boulder to join the Colorado Student Association. CSA is comprised of officers, a board of directors and a representative assembly. The officers are elected by the board of directors, which is comprised of one person from each institution. The membership of the representative assembly is proportional to the number of students in each school. BILL SUMMARY This bill adds a section to the UCSU by-laws creating a Legislative Affairs Committee to provide representation of CU-Boulder at CSA functions and to oversee UCSU involvement in Colorado State Government Affairs. BE IT ENACTED by the Legislative Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: SECTION 2: : The following addition be made to the By-laws of UCSU; Article VI, section B, subsection 7 to read: 7. Legislative Affairs Committee a. A standing committee of representatives to the CSA Representative Ass~r;nbJy shall be formed of the following: 1 UCSU Executive;tne UCSU Legislative Affairs Commissioner, one person from CCS, one person from Rep. Council, and 4 persons appointed by a Legislative Council Appointments Committee. ' b. The UCSU Legislative Affairs Commissioner shall serve as the chair of the Legislative Affairs Committee. The Chair shall report to Legislative Council monthly. c. The Legislative Affairs Committee shall elect from among its members 1 person to serve on the CSA Board of Directors. d. All Legislative Affairs Committee appointments shall last no longer than 1 year. e. The Legislative Affairs Committee shall monitor UCSU involvement in Colorado State Government affairs. Upon passage, this article shall be inserted immediately into the UCSU bylaws with the latter articles renumbered sequentially. 4/21/89- PASSES- LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL- ONE READING- 13-0-1 0808199708081997 J 1 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL BILL Ill - Page 2 ·~~ Robert Ervais President Pro-Tempore UCSU Legislative Council Chris Drummond UCSU Executive Susie Fairchild UCSU Executive Tim Kauffman UCSU Executive