Jl LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL BILL /12 June 8, 1989 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Tri-Executives Sponsored by: Representatives-at-Large Representative-at-Large A BILL Authored by: Tracy Wahl Dawn Massop Julie O'Brian Adam Kaplin Charles Ellis Charles Ellis BILL HISTORY The fifteenth national conference for NASFAA (National Association of Student Financial Aid Admiristrators) is taking place this summer in Washington D.C., and I feel that the University of Colorado should be represented. With tuition going up and financial aid going down, there is no doubt in my mind that this University and its students can benefit from more creative solutions to our financial aid problems. This conference will go a long way to providing us with those solutions. At the conference studentS can meet, talk and exchange ideas with professional Financial Aid administrators, elected officials from their respective states and of course, other students. Students will also attend presentations ranging from basic philosophies of financial aid to state of the art implementation ~nd delivery systems. "As we return to the basics, the challenges of the future become more focused. To this end, the conference committee has diligently strived to formulate a program which provides fundamental training in the financial aid delivery system, creative sessions on personal, professional and institutional development and intellectually stimulating discussions on diversity and the role of the financial aid office. The conference program will provide a learning environment for all participants." If this university is to continue to grow as a quality instituion our financial aid office must grow concurrently. This conference will provide us with the tools to · make that happen. BILL SUMMARY This bill shall allocate $59 3.10 + GAR from the Central Reserv-e to fund 2 R T air line tickets to Washington D.C. for one member of Represena tive Council and one Staff member to ati'end the 15th national NASFAA Conference. 1 BE IT ENACTED by the Legislative Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: An amount not to exceed $593.10 + GAR will be allocated from the Central Reserve for 2 RT tickets to Washington D.C. SECTION 2: A written report will be submitted pursuant to 24 ECB 1/4 SECTION 3: This bill will take effect upon passage. 31 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL BILL /12 - Page 2 BUDGET TOTAL COST 2 R T tickets @$264 ea (requested contribution from UCSU) Registration @$195 x 2 (Finance Aid Office contribution) Unmet Need $1484.50 -528.00 -390.00 $ 593.10 6/08l89- PASSES- LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL- 1st Reading- 14-0-0 6/22/89 - PASSES - LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL - 2nd Reading -ACCLAMATION ~~---:$u Alantl~ ~p /KUrtCOibUrn President Pro-Tempore Summer Replacement UCSU Legislative Council UCSU Executive 1 I ~?11'~ Dawn Massop UCSU Executive L - (? /) 2/ Legi~· lJii\·-e :~ =tJLlncil TC): :. le mr:)ets FE0\1: P:llrLr Bee t1ler s. .\. LO Vice Chance~lor of AcadenliC :-\ffJ.ir::: Charles Elli~ CCSC Representative at Large DA~2: julv 26. :989 RE: 198'0 :-L-\SFA.\ Conference hi~ T l.~L\... I<' ic:- ,c.l.. e·~cpprr ,; r')ffi a •-:" rl::lO')rT ,..,._\ ~ ,;1 ... . L \ . . . ! \ l .. .i'-o Pr·1 v fvill•-l r-:')"P · -''"' : ' ~ ' . lt('•~ ;:'in·~~~·i-1 i ._.t\ .1. .1..!...L:..l4 ... -'-"'L ... J ; l..J ~.&.. rh~ v.t...L'-' •1':"'1 :-' \AJ..l\..... ""aric,n·, ; .\ -~'.::nciarinn of... -~L· ,idPn~ ..... r ' . I n ' , 1 . rtnancat A1t:1 :\Gullnlstratc.r~ tn ..,vasn1ng:on L· . '·~ .. JUF- l.··.i to JUIY b . 1 'J ,) anyone \Vould lite more ~peciLc details en r:he cor:fe~er:.ce cr :l1e trip ~n CC\T~ Tr: -~·...-ec" rPoardinc ~.A'- ............ A.J-~ """"",:> .... ~ 0 ,-.. . • • .J ' ' . The . _, ;..-ir. .. 1.. ... !."" rc~ """"'* thP .. r'• . \... ... . ..L. ....... ~ t.. ... . ..J1"'L-~'"'"i . _,., ""·~!.-. .J.. ..... ~, l '.ir th :.::. --; ~. . . ~~ · , Ti-:e conference consistec..i prim'-lrily of ::td m i nistrat c r~. \\·(; \\:ere Lhe '. ~) n l y ~\V C stLldents that. \\--er -e in attencie::ce at. t.l1c C !) nfc~--encc. The C\Jt1f::-rcn(.:e \\:-1~ ..,.,.;..., ... ,r;!~,. f {'.-- rne ~~~P ,-·/ ll ""l-l'l~i~·J ._,rl~;,....;~~ ···,rc· ' f" ·, .... th _" ., ,..J, .. l..,. ,- ._::.:-,-.pn• -:- ; r· r '...,..:> 1:. . .'t!. Ll..t'-4Li;.. ..v .. ..Jl i...!. ... t... ..... - \_.. .f. ... 0 C4 ..... l.i.lli.ll. .... .. l.!. '-""'-'"'" <. L ....." l .... L!. . . ·- t.J 110('• t - 1l oe ;_l'.,- L al ~· 0-•. ""''.'1'71 C'-'L. O L) la ... u ,, r thl r . . ,... t a 1.,,\ _; ~Tl) > \A LHe i.e L) ()L' I t"' : ... ,-.... ~t...:~l :..-l ~.. ~~ '. • t 1./ m t.;_u....,~ ; 1.. ... ' '' lD·~'l ~ ~•.:.<.!. u ). 1. - ~·T·"'11"""1 T .~ ,. , (' ( ' ;) Pt""·1 :-i (. . . , L .' l ,;..•._.l, ~~ .l \.. · J..!. '- '- •1.'.,- j_ •• • J. i. J. l·;- f e i l d c f fin J nc a i ;.u d . making r he info r mat i c n rn ore t e cl1!11 c:1 i rll ~l n \_\·i; J t '-'- -a:: benefical to us. The besl. "w-av to begin is to fill ever-vone in on son1e of t11e 1ssues conc2r11ing the area of financial aid. The issue or a \/olunleer Ser·"-'·ice Hours as 1 tneJn:: r ---~ r.3f" '.... U\.. .. t·-,\.. .fl·n;-,n~o .... .. \.."'"" ,11 u ~~ .... Tl'J.t ;., ,-Tdpr iO 4-~.l .1-'" \_1 """-l "" c o n~mur:it'.. 5er\~ic2 t~>.irs ,~~J,, .•.lt... l;..-,1"' 1 Tt ....... T.P ~.._, . ~. . .ll iCl'- \.\....',..4\..-~ this bill. One version states that tl1is pr r)gram 'llf"P::'iU .... \7 ev1·~TJ. ; 4-A.D 1'1Q .a.f1'na1JI~ial (A...a...,'-"...,... -~ ..a.. ...,.J...., .;v "" ' "" al--,d 1' 1,_ J.._. tl''"'e .i 1.1"1 +he 1')fr>gt•a•"'t" J. l.~l ~ ·•P~. . lr;n ~lnc ~; a ~i lid '.: ~(! •l 5lJ.. .a.\A.•..L ........ ~- ·\.... ;~ t~ T-A'OUld a J..""""-.... i d doll':•t•" t ct_,., ~ . ._. . .an\~()I1P' . . ~~~ -- · -- \.,'I.v ~ ()Ul _ to tl1·= ,..,.;, p '..l,, '-1U .!. ~- be in t-'o~·- , - -~··.:::; .....,..., ~ n \ ·V v ·- ~.. .._l '.. ) l. !.~~ l,..\.1 i ·- J.c.~dit io n to ;,.w P.~i·-:rh ~ ~~ T() r"l:1!tir i n r; tp v\... ,_J..J..b ' ' ' - 1,..v J:- ·~.a. • L.._. ·"':"'-"'"' .._. \71)lU·l...,~L.Qet• ,,.l-,fl· ,._, ,l ~ he '~Ofla l)Pi'; ..· o '-.1. l \,. J. W • I\. i~ .,. ,_IUJ.~ L) \_. \,.4 \,. .._ .,.. •_11 ._ , r._.Ua'l"l~ o·1"'~..l. thP t'ed.ar-:'1 J,~,;;:::l l·pnhr:I Vl-"..1\.o\.Y l l b• · ~ts l.i""'~ W,..,__. J. .... ~ ,;l.L .,..,_. "......,..!._ -"..A..,.. '""'"'"" I , '-•'--'0. ,\.._~1 ..,.\..J..l. ,i.·o ~~;P, 7 P f~ l·n· ·~,.,c ;: ,l \...(. : ~;d ·:~,, ,l ""'"""' ............... .l.J.,...\. ... .1 1. • u .......... j . - ... ·1'1~ -~ .:::--.p -.1 l.: i 1 i•~ "'.-irh ..:,J::,.-o.J. 1 -'-"4.._a.,..l...,..6 YV ... .,..J.. ... different ad minislrators and iistening to speechs fron1 the depo.rt menL of education, the idea is not going over to \vell and it does not lcot lihe t11is type of program will be i1nplin1ented any tin1e soon. or if even at all. But. it is an issue that is not yet dead. Another issue that ~~i1S raised is the idea that on the federal ievelloan~ are 75 ·;;, or the financial aid run ding offered and grants are only about 2) ·'.:. - no~w~ :.' ~· (;:Tl >: = ;Jr~ ~1g ( J ~~ ~Jt~Li ::~g \) ( ~·i t:J. l! '. .~ :~I i ~- ii...: . ~; :1 i.: f!.., ,_, ,·, l: l 'l '. 'f'(.~~ ;..., \- :a.-·i· n{ l1..1. ,.. , (Hi ~' ...... t ...... \ll'-• .... .. ~ l. . .o : . . . ~ A.,'\. ·. • ./.!. ........ ,.... a c;_; 11: ~)i e:e L:_!r:: J.C ·:.)U11d PX•"'. l:11~ar;c,1"' ""' - t-• .. \.A.•i ...... H-u,; f,-, .• i !1;<..; ~· _I~ _ li,. .;.. 1.1.- .... .. y i "' 1 .1. ( j i~ l "'· ~- ....... .\e:n i~sue. Pr ~)(essicnal Discre:ion. PrGfessional Jis<::-et1on \Vas tah:e11 J.·:·/1'-c:r-..~:::.r1 '1 l 1,ro11., t'J:na· ~"1('1 ~11 -:ltd ; 1ti>!1''11Si1'"1i•'r"~ r·J11 ,~"1 J11!~u·~ lfl.-., ,. Call' O!'C-!J"'t~ loans,: and Ll1e onl:,- ·;.;·a:/ to allocate money \\-'J~ tn fullo\v J maLb n:atic:.ll i'c)rtnuia. a11d .rl~) spe~1al cir·r:1!J l11Star~ {:es c~rl.! .~d L;e cc)rJ:::ic1ered t'c}~~ 1ndi\-~1d1Jal~ ·'vil1o did not !'it into the forn1ula. This \\7as done becJt;Se iL '}.,:·as ~~elie\·e,.:: E 1"'u·· IT"'"'~· adn..,;.,....,i~ .......... r .-)r,... ".:!pl : r ~"~ ' 't"'i' - h ~ ·~ ,·r ;:··, ..... , e ,,.,::3,,.,.~ ~.,-.;-c '11r)1"'e'~ \\i'OU' lU 1 _Y. 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'lv v 1 ........ l...· ~ ....._ . ~ "'lL! \.4 &..:..;.. ." ~\..~,. A.li .i.- ;l- 'l::'.-!::r":''rl ·rn~ t~,..,n1m;t~p;::1 ~ .....-~ ...... """"'"" '. 1 .1..i \_, ~_/ ~ .L.J..J..A,.:,..\o ~~ ....... , ";'.::>o~ ·;::,.~ /~'-1. ' - j j ._ 1.,.\.l.J. l o '- l - d\..._ '''e"t'P. ·e,"'h111 ·Ca ''>Y~ 1"·.·r \''"7 e e · ~-~,~etw(~ ~l-) OP T ft•l"'!'":, ;hp ,~ r'''if,..::.~· ~::::.;-: ;"' .-::. 1-'1 w ... "" 111U'"' '-.11 ;l-) "' 1.. ,.,d.J. l.:l. -~1:-''-'-"'"-''- ... 1 0 .... ...... , , ... _ "''.J.- 1.. \.ll-. - · - ~ ·~'- · he· 1.... f1 1ture ~~-e ••W-oulr~ lOOP <:t t!lqt •"'.P!' "~()""'\1. , ! y,!"1(' OOt::J.<: T~' t ~~ ~::. cnr~:'e t · .:.::.~;rt.:! t ..,..,. :.-o :3ludent dpjeo.,+e~ / Q(lf"J t(' a+tet1d a· u"-'4 ,~(.4\. V'-. 111;!P" .l..A.;,_,~ 1,. J \,....,.. ('.,.Pi -~ ...... ,_.. _. ..... ·...-;:r •· ; ~rf-.; .. •l ,-•,./~<" ,"-V.:l.l. - c~i · U,. ' ~~. . \.-1 1 \....•,l.V the administration of the financial aid office , '\\lithout exten5 i\"!-: bacl(g:· :~;u1:d 1 L·nowl_CUE'_ . . . rJne ol' 1·1·1, :.'~ . . . 1· i ::11. ·-l :1·n .,,........... · :1 ~~ r i c:c.: 1....1 p. ~ _ , w·ot' _k-i .... na ... b .l.'l...l ... d + l ,e .r'P _ ..! c - v. a11d /01 ~ ----- ---·- ::'l ~;;l.ill.;;.4~>-4U>-4 ~ t.~ ~~