July 20, 1989 31 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL BILL 114 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Representative-at-Large Graduate Representative Adam Kaplin Rhonda Dibent Authored by: Represen ta ti ve-a t-Lar ge Sociology Doctoral Students Adam Kaplin Russell Castro Abigail Fuller A BILL BILL HISTORY Russell A. Castro is a second year doctoral student of sociology, who also did his undergraduate work in Boulder. He is a member of Alpha Kappa Delta, the national sociological honor society; the Department of Sociology's Graduate Student Association; and the Society for the Study of Social Problems. He is graduate student representative on the Graduate Committee of the Department of Sociology and recipient of a Doctoral Fellowship from the university. Recently he has been asked to make a number of media appearances to discuss deviance in the 1900s and the sociological dynamics of unregulated exchange at the flea market, the site of his current research. Mr. Castro will be an instructor for Analyzing Society (Sociology 1011) next semester and has taught Deviance over the past year. The paper which he has been invited to deliver at the Annual Meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems is entitled "The Rise and Fall of NORML as a Social Movement Organization.: The paper examines the interaction between social movement components and activities, and the broader sociocultural environment within which movements arise. Abigail A. Fuller is a fifth year doctoral student of sociology. She is currently managing editor of Peace and Change, a journal of peace research based at the University of Colorado . She is a member of the American Sociological Association and the Society for the Study of Social Problems. She is former co-chair of the Department of Sociology's Graduate Student Association and has recently been nominated for the Board of Directors of COPRED (Consortium on Peace Research, Education, and Development), a grant from the Conflict Resolution Consortium at the University of Colorado to study the use of civil disobedience by Operation Rescue, the anti-abortion organization. Ms. Fuller has been in vi ted to deliver a paper at the Annual Meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems entitled "The Women's Peace Movement: An Assessment of Social Movements Theory". The paper offers a critique of the current paradigms in social movements theory by showing how they are inadequate in explaining the strategy, tactics, and goals of the women's peace movement. Attendance at the Annual Meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems will afford Mr. Castro and Ms. Fuller valuable insight into the most current sociological research being conducted by influential scientists across the country and internationally, insight which can only be gained by attending a national conference. Through their active involvement with fellow students at the University of Colorado, Mr. Castro and Ms. Fuller will benefit other students with their increased understanding of social movements and other sociological 31 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL BILL 04- Page 2 phenomena. As an instruc t or, Mr. Castro's experience attending the meetings will greatly benefit his students, and as Ms. Fuller will be teaching sociology courses at this university in the future, her experience will also be valuable in that context. Finally, it is highly prestigious, both for the University of Colorado and the student body, for students affiliated with the university to present papers at the national conference of this standing. The Society for the Study of Social Problems is the second oldest and largest sociological association in the United States, and the process by which papers are chosen to be presented at its annual meetings is highly competitive. Mr. Castro and Ms. Fuller have budgeted their expenses according to university regulations and they in association with the Graduate Student Association of Sociology, request a student fund disbursement in the amount of $346.00, which will be used exclusively to cover their airfare and ground transpor~ation at the conference. BILL SUMMARY This bill allocates $346.00 + GAR to pay for doctoral students Russell Castro's and Abigail Fuller's airfare and ground transportation to the Annual Meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems in Berkeley, California, August 5 - 9, 1989. BE IT ENACTED by the Legislative Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: The goals and objectives of this trip are to send Mr. Castro and Ms. Fuller to the meetings as representatives of the University of Colorado -Boulder. SECTION 2: An amount not to exceed $346 + GAR shall be allocated from Central Reserve to a special events account in Russell Castro's and Abigail Fuller's names to pay for airfare for one person and ground transportation for 2 people while at the Annual Meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems in Berkeley, California, August 5 - 9, 1989. SECTION 3: A written report will be submitted pursuant to 24 ECB /14. SECTION 4: This bill will take effect upon passage. Costs (per person) Round-trip airfare (between Denver and Oakland) $282.00 160.00 Lodging (4 days @$40) Perdiem (food + miscellaneous, 4 days @$28) 112.00 15.00 Conference registration fee Airport transportation (4 trips @$8) 32.00 Total cost per person $601.00 7/20/89- PASSES- LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL- 1st Reading- 10-1-1 8/03/89- PASSES- LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL- 2nd Reading- 6-3-2 31 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL BILL 64- Page 3' ~~ Kurt Colburn President Pro-T em pore Summer Replacement UCSU Legislative Council ~ 1----~ /l{c~ :Massop ' UCSU Executive Alan Ikeya UCSU Executive ~a c~ 11lhLO '"' -\ Tracy Wahl If-'"''-' ucsu ExecutiU 3 March 21, 1990 Hussell Castro Abigail A. Fuller Department of Sociology fravel and Conference Report for Attendance at the Annual Meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Rerkeley, California, August 9-11, 1989 fhe theme of the 1989 meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems was "Social Problems as Social Movements." Mr . Castro presented a paper entitled "The Rise and Fall of NORML as a Professional Social Movement Organization: A Case Study Explor-ation Through Collective Action Mapping," and Ms. Fuller presented a paper entitled "The Women~s Peace Movement: An Assessment of Social Movements Theory ... In his paper, Mr. Castro analyzed the rise and decline of NORML (the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws> through collective action mapping, a technique that investigates social movement organizations according to their component pat- ts, including participants; leadership; ideology; goals; st r ategy and tactics; alliance with other movements; reactions f r om opponents; and successes and failures. Ms . Fttller's paper used the case of the women's peace movement to ilJLlstrate shortcomings in the two dominant paradigms in social movements theory, resource mobilization theory and new social movements theory. The paper concluded that the gap be t ween the two can only be bridged with a focus on how social movements ' critiques of society are manifested by participants in o r ganizational structures and processes. Mr . ( ~ astra and Ms. Fuller attended other presentations of papers that related to social movements. Of particular interest was a panel on drug policy with Troy Duster and Howard Becker, two wel ! - known drug policy researchers, which examined the current War· on Drugs'' in 1 ight of the history of drug pol icy in this c ountry ~ Another valuable panel concerned the 1988 elections. One panelist spoke of the relationship of trade unions with the Rainbo w Coalition, while another spoke of his experience running fo r local office on the Rainbow Coalition ticket. 11 [n al l, the meetings were extremely worthwhile. Mr. Castro and Ms . Fttller gathered much information that is valuable for their ctl r rent research. As a result of their presentations at the c onference, both Mr. Castro and Ms. Fuller have been invited to participate in panels at the next SSSP conference. 1