August 30, 1990 33 Legislative Council Bill #10 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO ' STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Authored by: Co-Executive Co-Executive Representative-at-Large S.A. to Financial Aid Julie O'Brian Scott Urban Kim Dvorchak Benjamin Ehrlich A BILL BILL HISTORY Student Fee Grant needs to be approved by referendum every four years. This should have gotten done last spring. BILL SUMMARY Student Fee Grant Referendum BE IT ENACTED :by the Legislative council of the University of Colorado student Union, ·THAT: SECTION 1: The following shall be inserted on the Fall 1990 ballot as a bingding referendum: "Would you be willing to continue having $5 a semester of our student fee used for the student Fee Grant (SFG) for the next four years? This money will be used as a need-based grant fund. Up to 25% of the monies collected may be earmarked for target groups to ensure equity of distribution. All monies will be allocated according to SFG Board/ Financial Aid guidelines." YES NO SECTION 2: The UCSU Election Commissioner shall place the above referendum on the Fall 1990 ballot. SECTION 3: The SFG Board shall be set up by the Financial Aid committee. SECTION 4: This bill takes effect upon passage. 8/30/90 - PUlled - Legislative council 9/20/90 - PASSES - Legislative council - 1st Reading - Acclamation 9/27/90 - PASSES - Legislative Council - 2nd Reading - Acclamation 33 Legislatiye council Bill #10 - page 2 liI ,0 v('j';0(;1?~ : c/ - c> 'I .I'S:0 MIKE DREwS '· . ·' PRESIDENT\ PRO-TEMPORE UCSU LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL I SCOTT URBAN UCSU EXECUTIVE L . I~ JULIE _/" ~ 1 /; U lc "'l~· / ~_/ ( T' (/)J : , _, • ( - .( 0 I BRIAN '· !-"' UCSU EXECUTIVE - tv-v'-r