August 30, 1990 33 Legislative council Bill #11 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION Sponsored by: Co-Executive Co-Executive Representative-at-Large Julie O'Brian Scott Urban Kim Dvorchak Authored by: S.A. to Financial Aid Benjamin Ehrlich A BILL BILL HISTORY This would be a new standing committee that would exist to handle scholarships in general rather than separate appointed committees that usually went out of existence after one year. BILL SUMMARY Standing Committee for Financial Aid BE IT ENACTED by the Legislative council of the University of Colorado student Union, THAT: SECTION 1: A standing committee for financial formed with the following members: aid will be S.A. to Financial Aid (who will head the committee) 2 Members of Legislative Council 2 Students selected by Legeslative Council SECTION 2: The committee responsibilities: A. will have the following Help the Office of Financial Aid review applications for the following scholarships: Day Care Scholarship* Viola Vestal Coulter Martin Luther King, Jr. Lambda Chi Alpha Laverne NoyesMinnie M. Cunningham Margorie Skiff Rose Arnold National Boulder Scholars Lillian Gutierrez Schol. Celeb. All People* Hiram c. Garner Julie King Paul Linden & Company Janet Roberts John R. Little Faculty/Staff Arnold CUOP Farrand Hall Minority Proctor/Gamble 33 Legislative Council Bill #11 - page 2 Each scholarship represents one or two hours of commitment. Most will be reviewed during the summer, while some will be done in the fall for the spring awards. *These scholarships require members of the Financial Aid Committee to sit on the Office of Financial Aid Scholarship Committee in order to be awarded. The administration of these scholarships will be turned over to the Office of Financial Aid . B. SECTION 3: Set up a Student Fee Grant Board that may include members of the Financial Committee. Aid C. Set up a committee to re-establish guidelines for the Scholarship Celebrating All People. D. Other miscellane ous financial aid. activities involving This bill takes effect upon passage. 8/30/90 - Pulled - Legislative council 8/20/90 - ;rAS s - Legislative council - 1st Reading - Acclamation 9/27/90 - P sES - Legislative council - 2nd Reading - Acclamation I (;I I <-· , ~i-.'?i· I I ' 7\_ .· . Mike D ews Presidenf Pro-Te ucsu Legislative ucsu Executive LJ 71.t!L -~ 1/ '-t ,/l 1\ !J ' ·1 .:· c :r\~ c ·' ( I \ ( ) J . / ( { l t-1 ~- Ju .ie 0 1 Briaif/ ucsu Executive