March 12, 1998 48 Legislative Council Bill #2 University of Colorado Student Union Sponsored By: Representative Authored By: Representative Arts & Sciences Tilak Mandal Arts & Sciences Tilak Mandal A BILL Bill History The past few UCSU elections have seen a rather dramatic increase in the number of student organizations that have used the referenda process as a means to secure funding for their events. Currently the procedure for placing referenda on the ballot during either the fall or the spring elections is the attainment of one thousand student signatures. In addition, as stated in the UCSU Constitution, so long as the fee increase requested by the referenda does not increase the student fee by more than one percent, only one thousand yes votes are required to pass a referenda. While this does appear to be a rather small number when compared to the number of students that are eligible to vote today, when the totals were originally established it was felt that one thousand affirmative votes were enough to indicate that the students at the University of Colorado supported the issue in question. If one were to glance around campus today however, it would be rather clear that the student population is on the rise and will soon reach twenty five thousand. With the prospect of Co-op Housing, and half of the club sports, becoming a part of the referenda section of the student fee package, in addition to the emergence of online voting, perhaps the time has come to determine if it is indeed too easy to get a referenda passed. Bill Summary The purpose of this bill is to place a Constitutional Amendment on to the 1998 Spring Election Ballot to Increase the number of votes required to pass referenda. BE IT ENACTED by the Legislative Council of the UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDENT UNION, THAT: Section 1: That the following Constitutional Amendment be placed on the UCSU 1998 Spring Elections Ballot. Section 2: XIII.C.6 shall be changed to the following “To pass in popular vote, the referendum must be approved by a majority of voters and have at least fifteen percent of the of the students eligible to vote at the time of the election voting in favor of the referenda question.” Section 3: This bill shall take effect upon passage. March 19, 1998 Passed 1st Reading 10-1-1 ___________________________ Greg Benn, Legislative Council President _____________________________ Jon Cooper, UCSU Executive __________________________ Ben Goldmanis, UCSU Executive ____________________________________ Kierra Johnson, UCSU Executive