University of Colorado Student Union


February 6, 2003                                                    58th Legislative Council Bill #9 Child Care


Sponsored by:            Stephanie Martin                                                      Graduate Senator


Authored by:              Stephanie Martin                                                      Graduate Senator

A Bill

Bill History


There is great need for adequate child care at the University of Colorado, Boulder both for students with families and for faculty with families.  The administration has known about this issue and the need for adequate facilities for many years, yet has been unable or unwilling to act.  The University of Colorado Student Union (UCSU) has failed to speak out on this issue let alone act upon it, when the need for this service has grown.  The university is once again lagging in its policies even as many corporations are now offering subsidized child care to their employees.  The student union must step in where others have failed to act.


Bill Summary

This bill recognizes that we, as a student union, realize the need for adequate child care on the University of Colorado, Boulder campus as vital service in making this university’s student parents as productive as possible while they are studying at or working for this institution.   The University of Colorado Student Union will make every effort to work with the administration to secure child care on this campus, and will formulate a plan for subsidized child care for student parents for implementation in the next academic year.




THEREFORE, BE IT Enacted by the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT,


SECTION 1:             The University of Colorado Student Union, realizes the need for adequate child care on the University of Colorado, Boulder, campus as vital service in making this university’s student parents as productive as possible while they are studying at or working for this institution.  


SECTION 2: The University of Colorado Student Union will make every effort to work with the                  administration to secure child care on this campus.  

a.       The first action to ensure this effort is that the Legislative Council President will appoint a liaison for child care to the administration

b.      The liaison’s responsibilities include: 1. regularly inform both the Legislative Council and their administrative contacts of the progress and issues from the other parties involved.   2. formulate a child care program plan for implementation in academic year 2003-2004.


SECTION 3:  A subcommittee of the Legislative Council is established

a.       This subcommittee is named “Child Care for Student Parents”. 

b.      The President of Legislative Council will appoint five members from the council to this committee and the liaison listed in Section 2 of this bill will also serve on the committee. 

c.       The committee will work with all cost centers to gather information about possible child care facility sites.  The committee will work closely with the Recreation Center in order to understand the operations of that center’s child care facility. 

d.      The committee will formulate a child care center action plan for implementation on the University of Colorado, Boulder campus in the 2003-2004 academic year.


SECTION  4:  The committee will present a preliminary plan with full budgetary information to the Legislative Council on or before March 20, 2003 for approval. 


SECTION 5:   This bill takes effect upon passage by University of Colorado Student Union Legislative Council and upon obtaining the signature of the Legislative Council Speaker and the Executives.                                                 

2-06-03                                                           Passed                                                             15-1-0

2-13-03                                                           Passed                                                             15-2-0                                                            




___________________________________              ______________________________________

Sergio Gonzales                                                          Kevin Boyer

Legislative Council President                                              Tri-Executive


___________________________________              ______________________________________ Michael Donnelly                                                           Latifah Al-Attas

Tri-Executive                                                                Tri-Executive