16 October 2003                                                    59LCB#10 Enviro Labor Commission



University of Colorado

Student Union



Sponsored by:            Sergio Gonzales                                 Tri-Executive



Authored by:              Sergio Gonzales                                 Tri-Executive


A Bill

Environmental Safety/Social Justice/Labor Rights Commission


Bill History

Throughout the last three decades the University of Colorado has proven to be a steadfast forerunner in the environmental movement. This institution has taken numerous initiatives in that have served not only to better the environment but also to educate thousands of people in the arena of environmental issues past, present, and future. The sciences at CU have taken the initiative to conduct extensive and conclusive environmental research and development, aimed at providing innovative technologies for a better world tomorrow. Most recently, an in depth study has been underway which seeks to test the viability of more natural and environmental friendly methods of living. Beyond the search for new technology, university departments have also been involved in hundreds of environmental impact surveys and reports that have allowed for better understanding of the natural world around us, and the impacts that we have upon it. Fortunately, the university administration has been a strong supporter of good environmental policies and measures throughout. As a result of the large number of strong student environmental groups on campus, UCSU has also sought to be an ally in the struggle for a cleaner and better environment. Throughout the last two decades UCSU has done everything in its power to ensure that this student government reflect the strong support of the CU student body for the environment. The UCSU environmental center has done a remarkable job in allowing for this to happen, while the legislative council has provided numerous pieces of legislation over the years with the aim of doing everything possible to not only educate and inform the students on environmental matters, but also to ensure that we are as environmentally friendly as possible. Consequently, eco-pledge (one of the largest and most visible environmental student organizations on campus) has given rise to several concerns regarding the environmental commitment of UCSU. This group has been working extensively on a campaign that means to improve the environmental policies of both Kraft Foods and Dell Computers. In depth research has warranted that these corporations have questionable environmental impacts and changes must be made to reverse this trend. As both of these corporations are the leaders in both of their respective fields it is crucial that they provide strong environmental examples for their follow businesses. It is important to note that UCSU is a subscriber to goods from both agents. This finding provides the context for action to be taken by the legislative body of UCSU. Not only is it important for UCSU to be environmentally safe in its own right, but this body must ensure that we do not indirectly support negative environmental actions of our vendors. In addition, it is imperative that UCSU uphold the rights of workers against products that devalue labor rights. UCSU must refuse to fund companies that advance social ills such as unjust wages, intolerable working conditions and sweatshops in order to create their products.


Bill Summary


This bill establishes an environmental safety and labor rights commission which shall seek to ensure that UCSU is doing everything possible and feasible to provide for a healthier environment, environmental social justice and rights for labor. The principle purpose of this commission shall be to identify potentially environmentally unsafe vendors of the UCSU, as well as vendors whose practices violate workers rights. After this has been accomplished, the commission will investigate methods that will either better the environmental policies and/or treatment of labor by these vendors, or research into possible alternatives to these vendors until they are in stronger compliance with environmental safety and/or labor justice.




THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the Legislative Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT:


SECTION 1:  Purpose. This bill shall create an environmental safety and labor commission that shall ensure that UCSU is using products that are both environmentally safe and allow for social justice. This commission shall have the authority to investigate and explore current and future products of the UCSU, in order to determine whether these products are in accordance with or undermine environmental sustainability, social justice, and labor rights. The commission will have the power to mandate the termination of use of products found to be harmful in both or either areas given, and recommend suitable alternative products.


SECTION 2: Composition.  The commission shall be composed of one (1) Tri-Executive, the UCSU Environmental Director, two (2) members of the UCSU legislative council to be appointed by the legislative president with majority approval present and voting of the legislative council, one (1) member from the environmental center to be appointed by the director of the environmental center with majority approval of the environmental board, three (3) student at large positions appointed by the commission.  Quorum of the board shall constitute at least five voting members.  The environmental director shall appoint one (1) additional member to the board with majority approval of the environmental board in the event that the no student at large or non-student positions have been filled. After the commission has reached quorum, the additional appointment of the environmental center shall be dissolved. The board may also add any number of ex-officio positions deemed necessary by the board.


SECTION 3: Chair of Board. The chair of the Commission shall be elected by commission and shall be filled by one of the three students at large. The chair is subject to majority ratification of the environmental board. The chair shall be responsible for ensuring that the commission meets weekly during the fall and spring semesters and at least once a month during the summer session and running the meetings of the commission according to Roberts Rules of Order. The chair shall also act as a liaison to the cost centers and the legislative council. It is also the responsibility of the chair to communicate the decisions and recommendations of the board to the buyer and vendors of any products identified as problematic by the commission.


SECTION 4: The commission shall explore the products that are used or are to be potentially used by any entity of the UCSU. The commission shall look to ensure that the vendors of such products are both environmentally sound, allow for social justice, and in compliance with the ILO declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work


SECTION 5: Products found to be in plausible violation of any area of section four shall be further scrutinized by the commission. The chair shall ensure that buyers of the said product are made aware of this investigation and the pending actions to be taken by the commission. The buyer shall maintain the right to testify before the board regarding the purchase of said product


SECTION 6: The commission shall make a decision regarding the environmental impact, social impact and labor impact of the product. In the event that the commission finds that the product substantially impacts any of these areas in a negative way, the commission shall take measures to lobby the vendor to reform policies and procedures in order to reverse the damaging implications of said product as identified by the commission. The commission shall inform the buyer and the vendor that failure to comply with the requests of the commission regarding said product, may result in termination of present UCSU purchasing or future purchasing of the product.


SECTION 7: After a period of one month following the declaration of mal impact of product and the commencement of lobbying efforts of commission, the commission may decide to eliminate official use of said product from UCSU. If the commission decides to do so, it must search for viable and reasonable alternatives to said product in conjunction with the affected buyer of terminated product. The official discontinued use of said product shall not be taken until the commission has identified an alternative.  The commission shall inform the buyer, the environmental board, and the Tri-Executives as to the decision of termination and alternative product. The buyer shall adhere to the decision of the commission, and shall seek to implement alternative product as soon as possible.


SECTION 7: In the event that the UCSU purchase of said product is subject by existing contractual agreement, the commission shall order that the buyer shall not renew the contractual agreement.


SECTION 8: Any action taken by the commission may be overturned by 2/3 of the legislative council.


SECTION 8: All documents and information germane to any product utilized by the UCSU shall be given to the commission upon the chair’s request.


SECTION 9: The commission shall create and ratify by-laws of the commission to be approved by 2/3 vote of commission, and a majority vote of the legislative council.


10-16-03                                             Passed as Amended                                         10-4-0

10-23-03                                             Passed by Voice Vote