January 22, 2004                                                                                  60LCB#2 Officer Elections


Sponsored by:                                      Joseph Kaiser                           Engineering Co-Senator


Authored by:                                        Joseph Kaiser                           Engineering Co-Senator


A Bill

Bill History

            Recently there was bit of controversy in process of Officer Elections in the Council of College and Schools. Both Roberts Rules of Order and the Legislative Council by-laws leave the procedures of officer elections poorly defined. It is therefore necessary to clarify these procedures. This bill does not seek to create new procedures for elections but simply to clarify the existing procedures and to place them in writing. 

Bill Summary

          This bill seeks to put in place clear guidelines and procedures on officer elections.


Section 1. A new paragraph numbered 12 shall be added to Article III section A of the Legislative Council by-laws, titled Officer Elections.


Section 2. The paragraph on Officer Elections shall read as follows

a)      If there is more then one officer to be elected in a given meeting then the elections shall be held in order Legislative Council President Pro Tempore, Vice President(s) Pro Tempore, and finally Treasurer, Skipping elections if not necessary.

b)       In the event that the President Pro Tempore is up for election at the beginning of the session, the outgoing hierarchy of officers shall be used to preside over the election. In the event of an absence of the President Pro Tempore during the term the Vice-President(s) shall preside.

c)      At the beginning of each election the council shall move into executive session.

d)      After the council shall have moved into executive the floor shall be opened up to nominations.

i)        Any member of council may nominate another member of council for any officer position.

ii)       Each nomination must be seconded by another member of council.

iii)      Each member of council must accept their nomination either in person or by paper proxy.

iv)     The floor can be close to nominations by acclamation of council.

e)      The candidates for officer elections will be asked to leave the room where the meeting is being held. Each candidate will be brought into the room to make a statement. After the statement, members of council will be given the opportunity to ask the candidate questions. They will then will be again asked to leave the room.

f)        After all the candidates have been given an opportunity to speak there shall be debate with in the council regarding which candidate to vote for. This shall follow Roberts Rules of Order.

g)      The vote on officer elections shall happen after question is called and there are no objections or after a call to previous question and a 2/3 affirmative vote of council.

i)        Elections shall happen by secret ballot.

ii)       In the case that there are two Senators occupying one seat they shall have one vote.

iii)     The person pressing over the election shall give each of the candidates a piece of paper so they may vote.

iv)     Vote totals shall not be announced.

Section 3. This legislation shall not take effect until the beginning of the 61st session of legislative council elections.




12-11-03                                              Passed                                                            10-0-0                         

1/22/04                                                Withdrawn