March 18, 2004                                                               60LCB#10 CUST

University of Colorado

Student Union 


Sponsored by:                          Richard Murray                         UCSU Tri-Executive


Authored by:                            Matthew G. Campagnoli            UCSU Finance Director                       


____________________________A Bill____________________________

Bill History

This Bill requests that the University of Colorado Snowboard Team (CUST) referendum be put on the ballot for the Spring 2004 elections.  The University of Colorado Snowboard Team (CUST) currently has more top ranked amateur and professional snowboarders than any other collegiate team in the nation. Last year CUST was also ranked as the #1 club sport at the University of Colorado. CUST provides the opportunity for many of the best collegiate snowboarders to practice and compete in a structured environment. CUST also organizes snowboarding competitions, such as “Heavy Metal on the Hill” where thousands of students and community members can attend a snowboarding event in Boulder.


Bill Summary

This bill puts the University of Colorado Snowboard Team (CUST) referendum question on the ballot for the Spring 2004 elections.



Bill Resolution

THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the Legislative Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT:


Section 1: The following question shall be put on the ballot in the Spring 2004 elections:

Do you support allocating $1.00 per student per semester for the next four years to subsidize the UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO SNOWBOARD TEAM (CUST) operating expenses, including but not limited to coaching, transportation, lodging and travel in an effort to ensure a continued #1 national standing.

            YES (  )  NO  (  )”



Section 2:  This bill takes effect upon passage.


 3/18/04                                                     Passed                     Emergency Measure                                                     9-1-2