February 5th, 2004                                               60LCR#4 Homecoming Celebration
University of Colorado
Student Union
Sponsored by:                                        Eugene Pearson                      Arts & Sciences Senator 
                                                      Richard Murray                        Tri-Executive
Authored by:                                      Eugene Pearson                        Arts & Sciences Senator
                                                            Richard Murray                        Tri-Executive
Across the country students, alumni, community members, student groups, athletic teams, and myriad others look forward to their university’s homecoming weekend.  The homecoming event is a celebration of the community complete with parades, festivals, revelry and rivalry.  The event truly includes all members of the community whether or not they are sports enthusiasts.
The homecoming event here at CU has had high and low points throughout the years.  The Greek system has been reliable in keeping the CU homecoming tradition alive in more recent years; however, this event can and should be a community event encompassing the Greek community, the campus community, student groups, the city of Boulder, the business community in Boulder, the Athletics Department, and all other communities which are affected by the university and which the university affects.  A truly city wide event will facilitate in building a more positive relationship between the University of Colorado at Boulder and the City of Boulder.  This event will also assist student groups by helping them obtain new members and get their message out.
Whereas:         A homecoming event of grand scale would be a direct service to all students; and
Whereas:         A homecoming event would increase the profile of the UCSU both on campus and in the community; and
Whereas:         A homecoming parade would involve the community and thereby present the family friendly side of CU; and
Whereas:         A homecoming parade could disseminate information of value to the student population; and 
Whereas:         The parade would represent a truly impressive event to the community as a whole; and
Whereas:         A homecoming event would provide for a safe and fun way for everyone to celebrate our home… Boulder, Colorado; and
Whereas:         The UCSU could raise the profile of the Alumni Weekend with a homecoming event thereby assisting in the growth of the local economy; and
Whereas:         The benefits of attracting alumni to the University of Colorado at Boulder could increase the attractiveness of the university to potential donors; and
Whereas:         The homecoming event would increase the profile of student groups on campus so that they may better attract participants; and
Whereas:         The University of Colorado at Boulder, the City of Boulder, The Athletics Department, and the University of Colorado Student Union can build better relationships and mutually benefit from a homecoming event.
                THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Legislative Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT:
Section 1: The UCSU supports a drastically expanded homecoming celebration.
Section 2: The UCSU invites the City of Boulder, The Athletics Department and the University of Colorado at Boulder to participate in homecoming weekend planning so that the celebration can include as many members of the community as possible.
Section 3: The UCSU desires to continue working with and incorporate organizations such as the University Hill General Improvement District (UHGID), the Hill Alliance, University Hill Neighbors Association (UHNA), the Greek System, and other organizations on University Hill to ensure the expansion and success of homecoming.
Section 4: The UCSU is committed to the expansion and continuity of the homecoming event.





Leslie Herod, Legislative Council President                      Vershara Lott, Tri-Executive




Richard Murray, Tri-Executive                                              Sergio Gonzales, Tri-Executive