February 5, 2004                                                                                 60LCR#7

                                                                                                            Greek System Support


Sponsored by:                          Richard Murray                                    UCSU Tri-Executive               

                                                Larissa Teipner                                     Representative-at-Large


Authored by:                            Richard Murray                                    UCSU Tri-Executive   



A Resolution

Resolution History

The Greek System at the University of Colorado at Boulder has a long and distinguished presence. Every year for over a hundred years there are thousands of members of the Fraternity and Sorority system. These organizations strive to provide service to the campus and the local community, as well as fund raising for dozens of philanthropic organizations. In addition to the accomplishments of Traditional Greeks, a new aspect of the Greek Community is now being formed in the Multicultural Greek Council. Together, these two groups have the potential to attract and support a great portion of the student body. The Multicultural Greek Council, the Interfraternity Council, and the Panhellenic Council should be recognized by UCSU and encouraged to work toward common goals and continue to produce the leadership that has been found within all aspects of the University of Colorado at Boulder. Additionally UCSU should officially support all three organizations and strive to break down any stereotypes associated with the Greek Community as a whole.

Resolution Summary


WHEREAS: The Greek System at the University of Colorado has a long and distinguished history, and


WHEREAS:  Current leaders on campus are members of the Greek community, and


WHEREAS: There are many instances where Greeks have been wrongfully accused and associated of several stereotypes, and


WHEREAS: These actions limit the willingness of Greeks to participate in both leadership and association roles within as well as outside of the Greek Community, and makes many students unwilling to work with the Greek system, and


WHEREAS: It will be unfortunate if many leaders that develop in the Greek community do not wish to obtain leadership roles within or outside the system, and


WHEREAS: The Greek System is active in raising thousands of dollars each semester for charities, as well as doing community service projects within the community, and


WHEREAS: The Greek System has helped with many UCSU campaigns this year;




THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Legislative Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT:


SECTION 1:  UCSU supports and thanks the Greek System at the University of Colorado at Boulder.


SECTION 2: Supports the continuing involvement of Greek leaders in campus roles.


SECTION 3:  Urges the University of Colorado Administration to continue support for the longevity of the Greek System.


SECTION 4: This resolution will be sent to the Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Association, and the University Liaison for Greek Affairs, and the Multicultural Greek Council.


SECTION 5:  ENACTMENT. This resolution takes effect upon passage upon passage by the Legislative Council and upon obtaining the signatures of the Council President and the Tri-Executives.

2-5-04                                                              Tabled

2-12-04                                                            Passed                                                            12-0-1

2-19-04                                                            Passed                                                            Acclamation