October 4, 2004                                                                61LCB #10 Furniture


University of Colorado Student Union

Legislative Council



Sponsored by:                        Stephen Fenberg            Legislative Council 2nd VP

Authored by:                          Carina Molnar            UCSU Environmental Director

                                                Stephen Fenberg            Legislative Council 2nd VP



Bill History


UCSU has been committed to a tradition of environmental stewardship. The environmental standards that have developed within UCSU for all cost centers and UCSU Proper Offices include such practices as having recycled paper requirements, energy conservation, and the promotion of the usage of renewable energy sources.  These requirements have helped UCSU partake in environmentally sound practices and also to invest in products and corporations with similar environmental agendas. 

At this point however, many of UCSU’s environmental efforts are directed at products purchased on a regular basis, such as general office supplies.  Larger purchases generally have not been mandated up to this point. 


Knowing that larger purchases, specifically furniture, are now offered with extremely high environmental and functional quality, UCSU has the obligation to extend environmental efforts to such purchases.  The process of purchasing new furniture should incorporate environmental standards that are cost effective, just as other purchases already do. 


Bill Summary

To continue UCSU’s tradition of lessening our environmental impact by extending environmental standards to large purchases, herein specifically furniture purchasing.  


THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Legislative Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT,

Section 1:  When UCSU proper purchases new furniture, environmental standards should be an extremely important factor in deciding upon both the product purchased and the supplier from whom it is acquired. 

Section 2:  When purchasing furniture, the product shall be selected that is most compatible with the ideals embodied in the LEED building standards. 

Section3:  This bill only serves to mandate the process of purchasing furniture for UCSU proper offices.  However, it is strongly recommended for all UCSU cost centers to adopt the policies herein as well.

Section 4:  After evaluating all costs involved with purchasing new furniture, the product with the highest level of environmental quality shall be chosen.

Section 5: Recommendations for criteria that should be considered when purchasing UCSU proper furniture includes, but is not limited to:

1) Wood fiber substrate material must be 100% recycled and 100% recyclable. 

2) Water-based adhesives for laminates and fabrics.

3) Sugar-based sandblasting to be used in production.

4) Mastic Glue must not be used in any process of furniture production or completion.

5) Manufactured by a company which has fair and just labor practices.

*This criteria serves as recommendations and not requirements simply because of the changing nature of the industry.  UCSU acknowledges that innovation is a constant when dealing with recycled products and therefore, there may be newer technology within a short period of time.  However, the spirit of this bill shall still be used as a guideline in furniture purchases. 

Section 6:  The requirements and suggestions in this bill as well as the actual process of purchasing furniture shall fall under the jurisdiction of the Environmental and Social Justice Labor Commission. The commission will aid in the process of researching and purchasing furniture for all UCSU proper offices.  Final decisions on furniture purchases shall be subject to passage by the Environmental and Social Justice Labor Commission.     

Section 7: This bill shall take effect upon final passage by Legislative Council and obtaining the signatures of the Tri-Executives.


10/7/04                                                Passed                                                 12-0-0

10/14/04                                              Passed                                                 13-0-0






Eugene Pearson, Legislative Council President            Joe Neguse, UCSU Tri-executive




Veronica Crespin, UCSU Tri-executive                      Garrett Stanton, UCSU Tri-executive