June 15, 2004                                                                         61LCR#1  Inter-Campus

                                                                                                Student Forum Chair Resolution


Sponsored by:              Eugene Pearson                        President of Legislative Council

                                    Arrah Closson                          1st Vice President of Legislative Council

                                    Stephen Fenberg                      2nd Vice President of Legislative Council

                                    Jessica Bralish                          Legislative Council Parliamentarian                                                        Naomi Lopez                           Speaker of Council of Schools and Colleges

                                    Brian Tannenbaum                    Arts and Sciences Senator

                                    Jenny Guo                                Representative-at-Large


Authored by:                Ageno Otii                                Chief of Staff for Executive Staff                                                           Naomi Lopez                           Speaker of Council of Schools and Colleges

                             Jessica Bralish                          Legislative Council Parliamentarian


A Resolution

Resolution History

Traditionally, the Chair of the University of Colorado System Intercampus Student Forum (ICSF) has been from the Boulder campus. For the fact that the University of Colorado at Boulder is the flagship university campus of the state, the ICSF will benefit from having more resources, students and capabilities to best serve the students of the entire University of Colorado system. Last years Chair, Tri- Executive Sergio Gonzales, was able to use the resources of the University of Colorado Student Union (UCSU) to further the goals of the ICSF in the Where is S.H.E.? Campaign, regents meetings, General Assembly Committee Hearings, etc. Active in many aspects of last year's ICSF, Tri- Executive, Joseph Neguse was one of many main coordinators for numerous S.H.E. Campaign activities, attended meetings, and committee hearings on behalf of the goals of ICSF. His knowledge of the forum is extraordinary. In addition to the missions of the ICSF, Neguses’ knowledge of the issues facing students at the local, state, national level, leadership capabilities, determination and ICSF precedent make Joseph Neguse the best choice as Chair for the ICSF.


Resolution Summary


WHEREAS; Joseph Neguse has an extensive knowledge of student issues at the local state, and federal level; and


WHEREAS; in the previous academic year, Joseph Neguse has shown his dedication to the ICSF and proven his leadership capabilities as an active member of the ICSF; and


WHEREAS; The University of Colorado at Boulder is the largest campus in the University of Colorado System, representing a majority of the students on all four campuses; and


WHEREAS; The University of Colorado at Boulder traditionally puts forth the greatest amount of resources and efforts with in the ICSF; and


WHEREAS; Traditionally, the Boulder campus has acted in the Chair of position of the Inter Campus Student Forum for these reasons; and


WHEREAS; The University of Colorado at Boulder and Tri- Executive Joseph Neguse have the ability to represent the interests of all four campuses to the Board of Regents; and


WHEREAS; The Legislative Council of The University of Colorado Student Union believe Tri- Executive Joseph Neguse is the best choice for the Chair of the Inter Campus Student Forum.


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Legislative Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT,


SECTION 1:  Tri- Executive Joseph Neguse has the support of the University of Colorado at Boulder and the University of Colorado Student Union to be elected as the next Inter Campus Student Forum Chair.


SECTION 2:  The University of Colorado Student Union urges the members of the other three University if Colorado campuses to vote in support of Tri- Executive Joseph Neguse.


SECTION 3:  This resolution will be sent to the member institutions of the Inter Campus Student Forum and any other parties requesting said resolution.


SECTION 11:  This resolution takes effect special order upon passage by the Legislative Council and signatures from the Legislative Council President and the Tri- Executives.

6/17/04                                    Amended and Passed Special Order                                         10-0-0





Veronica Crespin, Tri-Executive                                   Eugene Pearson, Legislative Council President

University of Colorado Student Union                           University of Colorado at Boulder                                



Joseph Neguse, Tri-Executive                           Garrett Stanton, Tri-Executive

University of Colorado Student Union               University of Colorado Student Union