December 9th, 2004                                                                             62LCB#1 Five Year Plans


Sponsored by:                                      Eugene Pearson                        2nd Vice-President

                                                            Garrett Stanton             Tri-executive

                                                            Veronica Crespin                      Tri-executive

                                                            Joseph Neguse                         Tri-executive

                                                            Rae Ann Armijo                       Journalism Senator

                                                            Margaret Rapp             Architecture & Planning

                                                            Jason Reid                                Representative


Authored by:                                        Eugene Pearson                        2nd Vice-President



A Bill

Bill History


Continuity on the Legislative Council and institutional memory of the various programs that the UCSU operates is often lacking.  It is often difficult to determine the long-term objectives of the various cost centers of the UCSU and translate that into the budgets passed by the legislative council.  This legislation will help to create the continuity that will assist the Legislative Council in their budgeting process through the development of a five year plans by the various cost centers.


Bill Summary


This bill will require five year plans to accompany cost center budgets during the budgeting process at Legislative Council.



BE IT ENACTED by the Legislative Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT:


SECTION 1: Cost centers will provide every member of the Legislative Council including ex-officio positions with five year plans no less than two weeks prior to the budget hearing for that cost center at Legislative Council.


SECTION 2: Five year plans will be formatted in the following manner:

A.     Table of Contents

B.     Introduction

a.       A brief history of the cost center

b.      Highlights in the plan

c.       A brief explanation of the methodology of the plan

C.     Mission statement

a.       The formal mission statement of the cost center

b.      A brief comment that expands on the mission statement

c.       How does the cost center mission fit into the broader context of the Student Affairs mission?

d.      How does the mission of the cost center fit into the broader context of the UCSU mission statement?

D.     Cost Center Vision

a.       What is the overarching vision for the cost center?

b.      Where do you see the cost center far in the future?

c.       A statement about the goals and ideals of the cost center

d.      What are the values that the cost center would like to excel in?

E.      Overarching strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

a.       Strengths

                                                                 i.      What is going well in the cost center?

                                                               ii.      What fundamental goals and areas are exceeding expectations?

b.      Weaknesses

                                                                 i.      What needs improvement in the cost center?

                                                               ii.      What fundamental goals and areas are not meeting expectations or are lagging in meeting full potential?

c.       Opportunities

                                                                 i.      What are identifiable goals or ideals can help the cost center to meet budgetary, personal, programmatic, or systemic goals?

d.      Threats

                                                                 i.      What are identifiable hindrances to meeting the goals of the cost center?

F.      Long term goals

a.       What are the long-term goals of the cost center?

                                                                 i.      These goals should be more abstract and help to guide the details of the shorter term goals

                                                               ii.      The goals identified here should be evident in the decisions made regarding the budget request and specific plans of action

b.      What are the long term needs of the cost center?

                                                                 i.      These needs should be general and explain why certain tangible resources are necessary

                                                               ii.      Capital improvements and expansions

                                                              iii.      Personal requirements

                                                             iv.      What other resources may be needed over time for the cost center to be effective?

G.     Plan of Action

a.       How will the long-term goals be met?

                                                                 i.      Identify specific examples of how to meet the long term goal

                                                               ii.      Outline specific action to implement this change

b.      How will the long term needs of the cost center be met?

                                                                 i.      What is the specific breakdown of the tangible resource requirements?

                                                               ii.      How will the resources be used to fulfill the goals?

                                                              iii.      Are there innovative ways of funding these needs?

                                                             iv.      Are there innovative ways in which these resources could be used more effectively?

H.     Timeline

a.       Demonstrate a timeline for meeting milestones for goals

b.      Develop new programs and show their growth and modification

c.       Evaluate old goals and programs

d.      Demonstrate a timeline for fulfilling the resource requirements of the cost center

I.        Team Member Relations

a.       Demonstrate a strategy for ensuing that cost center Team Members are meeting goals and are nurtured in the work environment

b.      Demonstrate a strategy to ensure that cost center Team Members are meeting their full potential and are being evaluated appropriately

c.       Identify an appropriate sanction strategy that encourages cost center Team Members to meet their full potential within the cost center

J.       Environment/Sustainability

a.       How is the cost center lessening its negative impact on the environment?

b.      What changes can be made to have a stronger commitment to the environment?

c.       Has the cost center implemented policies that are congruent to the policy decisions of the governing boards of the UCSU?

d.      Is the cost center maximizing the sustainability goals of current programs?  I.e. are there recycling receptacles in every room?  Are the temperature settings appropriate within the cost center?  Is thought given in every decision to the impact of that decision on the environment?

K.    Diversity

a.       How is the cost center addressing diversity issues?

b.      What is the cost center doing to ensure a safe environment for the diverse student, staff, and faculty population?

L.      Structure

a.       Provide an organizational map of the cost center’s Team Member Positions

b.      Provide a brief statement on how the organizational structure is conducive to fulfilling the mission and goals of the cost center and any other relevant information about the structure

M.   Individual Programs and Divisions within the Cost Center

a.       Individual programs should present five year plans within this section

b.      Plans should be specific to a certain program

c.       Plans should be formatted as outlined above using discretion as to what sections are and are not necessary


SECTION 3:  The five-year plan is a living document and should be revised on a yearly basis.


SECTION 4:  The organization of the plan should follow as closely as possible the layout defined in Section 2 while recognizing that every cost center has unique circumstances that will alter the format of their individual plan.


SECTION 5:  The five-year plan presented for fiscal year 2004-2005 should include as much of the material laid out in Section 2 while recognizing the time constraints put on this particular five-year plan.


SECTION 6:   The five-year plan is meant as a tool for guiding and planning the development of the UCSU cost centers.  Evaluation of Five Year Plans in the budgeting process does not bind future decisions regarding the fiscal policy of the UCSU.


SECTION 7: ENACTMENT: This bill shall take effect upon passage by Legislative Council and obtaining the signatures of the Tri-Executives.


12/09/04                                              Passed 1st reading                                         11-0-0

1/13/05                                                Passed 2nd reading                                        14-0-0






Naomi Lopez, Legislative Council President     Joseph Neguse, UCSU Tri-executive







Veronica Crespin, UCSU Tri-Executive                        Garrett Stanton, UCSU Tri-executive