September 2nd, 2004                               62LCB#3 Purchase of EMT Kits for the Student Emergency Medical Services


Sponsored by:                                        Eugene Pearson              2nd Vice-President


Authored by:                                          Eugene Pearson              2nd Vice-President


A Bill

Bill History


This past year has been an especially difficult year for the University of Colorado at Boulder and the Great State of Colorado with regard to combating the excesses in drinking on campuses.  This issue has been the impetus for the formation of a number of initiatives on campus to combat the campus culture that surrounds drinking to promote more responsible use of alcohol on campus.  The student group the Student Emergency Medical Services (SEMS) seeks to ensure the safety of students who engage in the use of alcohol by training first responders and having them at social events that students choose to engage in.  The SEMS will have professionally trained EMT personal at events who are in contact with an advisor.  This remarkable student led program will be professionally accountable and utilize and enable better judgment as to when more advanced services like 911 should be employed.  The SEMS needs funds to purchase EMT kits which will be available for their use in the event of an emergency.


Bill Summary


This bill allocates $5500 from the SOR account to the Student Emergency Medical Services for the purchase of EMT kits.

THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Legislative Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT,


SECTION 1:  An allocation of $5500 will be made from the SOR account to the Student Emergency Medical Services account for the purchase of EMT kits.


SECTION 2:  Student Emergency Medical Services will present an update on their progress no later than the last week of April, 2005.


SECTION 3:  ENACTMENT. This bill takes effect special order upon passage by the Legislative Council and upon obtaining the signatures of the Council President and the Tri-Executives.


2/10/05                                                 Passed                                                              14-1-1

2/17/05                                                 Passed                                                              12-1-0



Naomi Lopez                                                                Veronica Crespin                     

Legislative Council President                                          Tri-executive



______________________________                                    ______________________________

Joseph Neguse                                                              Garrett Stanton

Tri-executive                                                                 Tri-executive