March 31, 2005                                                                      62LCB#7 Childcare Referendum


Authored by:                            Jerod Beatty                            Graduate Senator


Sponsored by:                         Veronica Crespin                    Tri-Executive

                                                Joseph Neguse                       Tri-Executive

                                                Garrett Stanton                       Tri-Executive

                                                Naomi Lopez                           President

                                                Eugene Pearson                     Vice-President

David Roth                              Engineering Co-Senator

                                                Henry Bangert                         Law School Co-Senator

Brian Mason                            Law School Co-Senator

Christopher Turner                 Music Senator

Rae Ann Armijo                       Representative-at-Large

Ashley Moore                          Representative-at-Large

Jason Reid                              Representative-at-Large        


Bill Summary


This bill seeks inclusion of the following referendum question on the Spring 2005 ballot:


The University of Colorado’s fiscal crisis has resulted in the closure of a childcare facility that once served the families of students, faculty, and staff members.  To minimize the severe impact of this closure on the University community, do you support a student fee at the rate of $0.50 per student per semester for a period of four years to finance the following activities: (1) relocation of existing playground equipment to the Newton Court Children’s Center, the Department of Housing’s only remaining childcare facility; (2) renovation of the Newton Court Children’s Center, including an expansion of the playground area, to accommodate its increased enrollment; and (3) acquisition of library materials, teaching supplies, and recreational equipment to enhance the quality of childcare provided by the Newton Court Children’s Center?


Bill History


The University of Colorado’s Department of Housing has provided high-quality childcare for the families of students, faculty, and staff members since 1975.  However, severe budget cuts forced the closure of the Department of Housing’s childcare facility located near the Smiley Court family housing complex at 3333 33rd Avenue during the 2003-04 academic year.  As a result, all childcare operations have been consolidated into the Department of Housing’s only remaining childcare facility, the Children’s Center, located near the Newton Court family housing complex at 2202 Arapahoe Avenue.  Although the Department of Housing’s childcare enrollment declined by 36% due to the facility consolidation, the Children’s Center is currently operating at a maximum capacity of 85 children.


Additional budget cuts are anticipated in the 2005-06 academic year and threaten to degrade the high quality of childcare currently provided by the Children’s Center.  These budget cuts have been exacerbated by escalating operating expenses, due primarily to increases in employee health insurance rates.  Increases in childcare tuition rates alone cannot bridge the gap between declining subsidies and escalating expenses; the Children’s Center’s 2004-05 tuition rates, while very competitive with comparable services in the Boulder area, are already too high for many parents in the University community, ranging from $805 per month for the children of students to $1,027 per month for the children of faculty members.  Despite increased enrollment resulting from the facility consolidation, the Children’s Center is projecting a budget deficit exceeding $109,000 in the 2004-05 academic year.  In response to growing budget deficits, staff members and patrons of the Children’s Center have resorted to holding garage sales and bake sales to subsidize the facility’s operations.


Adequate facilities and supplies are central to the Children’s Center’s pedagogy, which encourages exploration, creativity, and individuality.  As articulated on the Children’s Center website:

At the Children's Center, we respect each child as a unique and capable learner.  We recognize that the first five years of a child's life are the most formative in his/her development and our practice is based on the belief that optimal growth takes place when we encourage and support the social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development of each child.  We believe that learning is primarily an active process.  Children of all ages need repeated opportunities to interact with their world and find their place in it. . . . We believe young children learn best from self-initiated activity with concrete objects. . . . Children who are active in their own learning process make sense of the world for themselves and construct their own knowledge.


The Referendum


This Referendum seeks to provide temporary financial assistance for the Children’s Center.  Specifically, this Referendum proposes a student fee at the rate of $0.50 per student per semester for a period of four years to finance the following three activities:


(1)  Relocation of existing playground equipment from the recently-closed Smiley Court childcare facility to the Newton Court Children’s Center.  This playground equipment consists of one play structure for two- to five-year-old children, one play structure for one- to two-year-old children, barriers for the play structures, and peat gravel.  Equipment removal and relocation costs are estimated at $4,000.


(2)  Renovation of the Newton Court Children’s Center, including an expansion of the playground area, to accommodate its increased enrollment.  Due to budget constraints, the Children’s Center has deferred a number of capital expenditures and maintenance projects in recent years.  Desired expenditures are estimated as follows:


                  “Tip-Me-Not” lockers (14)                                                        $   7,418

Re-tiling of bathroom floors                                                    $   5,000

“Bye-Bye Buggies” (4)                                                            $   4,500

Classroom supply storage units (10)                                     $   3,400

Rectangular tables (8)                                                            $   2,632

“Circle-Time” carpets (5)                                                        $   2,500

Chairs (85)                                                                              $   2,200

Storage lockers (“Cubbies”) for children’s clothes (14)         $   1,859

                  Mobile storage bins                                                                 $   1,650

Window blinds                                                                                    $   1,600

Sand and water tables (5)                                                      $   1,580

Book stands (5)                                                                      $   1,075

                  Classroom ball packs (3)                                                       $   1,050                     

                  Gates for changing areas                                                       $      500

                  Total                                                                                        $ 36,964


Expansion of the Children Center’s playground area would entail the following expenditures:


                  Sidewalk and tricycle path construction/re-construction        $ 11,000

                  Fence relocation, construction, and repair                             $   6,000

                  Vegetable and flower garden (plus tools)                               $   4,000

                  Water learning center (with pump and pond)                         $   3,500

                  Concrete outdoor reading area                                               $   3,000

                  Peat gravel for extended play areas                                       $   2,000

                  New tricycles                                                                          $   1,650

                  Total                                                                                        $ 31,150


(3)  Acquisition of library materials, teaching supplies, and recreational equipment to enhance the quality of childcare and learning provided by the Children’s Center.  Every year, approximately $8,000 is required to purchase art supplies, books, puzzles, and other teaching materials for the Children’s Center’s five classrooms.  Approximately $500 per year is required to finance field trips.  Additionally, due to budget constraints, the Children’s Center has not been able to invest in new recreational equipment (including playground balls, wooden blocks, and dramatic play supplies) for several years.  The Children’s Center would like to acquire approximately $6,000 worth of new recreational equipment.  All of these expenditures will total approximately $40,000 over the four-year referendum period.


Legislative History


During its 58th session, the University of Colorado Student Union recognized the growing need for adequate childcare on the Boulder campus.  In order to afford student parents an opportunity to be as productive as possible during their academic careers, and to provide an amenity for faculty and staff members, this Student Union agreed “to make every effort” to secure adequate childcare.  The author and sponsors of this Bill respectfully request your continued support in the passage of this Referendum Bill.



THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Legislative Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT,


SECTION 1—REFERENDUM:  This Bill provides for inclusion of the following question as a referendum item on the ballot of the student vote to be held on the Boulder campus of the University of Colorado on April 11, 2005:


The University of Colorado’s fiscal crisis has resulted in the closure of a childcare facility that once served the families of students, faculty, and staff members.  To minimize the severe impact of this closure on the University community, do you support a student fee at the rate of $0.50 per student per semester for a period of four years to finance the following activities: (1) relocation of existing playground equipment to the Newton Court Children’s Center, the Department of Housing’s only remaining childcare facility; (2) renovation of the Newton Court Children’s Center, including an expansion of the playground area, to accommodate its increased enrollment; and (3) acquisition of library materials, teaching supplies, and recreational equipment to enhance the quality of childcare provided by the Newton Court Children’s Center?


SECTION 2—ENACTMENT:  This Bill takes effect upon final passage by the Legislative Council and upon obtaining the signatures of the Tri-Executives.



3/17/2005                    Passed 14-0-0

                                                3/31/05                        Passed 14-0-1





Naomi Lopez                                                               Veronica Crespin                   

Legislative Council President                                     Tri-Executive




Joseph Neguse                                                           Garrett Stanton                      

Tri-Executive                                                               Tri-Executive