University of Colorado Student Union
Legislative Council

November 3rd, 2005  


LANL (Revised)


Sponsored by: Cayla Chavez-Murphy Legislative V.P.
  Michael Monsalve Representative
  Chante Waters Representative
  Veronica Lingo Journalism Senator
  Maximillian Mascarenas ASSG Co-Senator
  Mebraht Gebre-Michael Tri-executive
Authored by: CU WATCH  
  Cayla Chavez-Murphy Legislative V.P.


The University of Colorado Student Union, representing over 28,000 students, has built its reputation around a commitment to environmental advocacy, campus sustainability, and student safety. On May 31, 2005, UT System Chancellor, Mark Yudof invited CU to join its Texas Network for Science and Technology Education and Research, LLC. UT is partnering with Lockheed-Martin and seeks to engage a number of other universities in a bid to win work on projects originating from Los Alamos National Laboratory. If CU joins the bid, its resources and minds could potentially be used for such projects at LANL—projects that fundamentally sabotage UCSU’s commitment to environmental justice, campus sustainability, and student safety. The University of California, partnered with Bechtel, is submitting the competing bid to manage LANL and the Department of Energy is expected to announce the winner on December 1st, 2005. This resolution is UCSU’s response to CU's affiliation with the University of Texas Network for Science and Technology Education and Research, LLC, and Los Alamos National Laboratory.


Whereas: Affiliation with Los Alamos National Laboratory, an institute that has a history of irresponsible environmental standards and a budget dedicated primarily to weapons technology advancement, will degrade the University of Colorado’s reputation and integrity;

Whereas: Lockheed Martin is a corporation that has been prosecuted for the violation of environmental and race discrimination laws that have led to over $230 million in fines, penalties, and settlements;

Whereas: Further affiliation with Lockheed Martin through LANL may adversely affect the integrity and respectability of the University of Colorado;

Whereas: The Department of Energy Congressional Budget Request indicates only 3.1% of Los Alamos National Laboratory funding relates to scientific matters and is subject to competition between 18 universities in the Network for Education and Research in Science and Technology, LLC, there is a concern that a relationship with the University of Texas and Lockheed Martin is not beneficial to CU;

Whereas: There appears to be evidence that Los Alamos in working to develop new weapons of mass destruction, including the B61-11 gravity bomb, in contravention of The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty of 1970; and

Whereas: Partnering with manufacturers of weapons of mass destruction places Colorado in a position to repeat the failures of Rocky Flats through Los Alamos National Laboratory plans for modern nuclear pit production, with serious adverse environmental consequences;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Legislative Council of the University of Colorado Student Union,

Section 1: UCSU calls upon the President and the Administration to look for alternative scientific research opportunities.

Section 2: UCSU calls upon the President and the Administration to decline the invitation to join UT's  Academic Consortium and to not become affiliated with possible repetition of the failures at Rocky Flats,

Section 3: UCSU calls upon the President and the Administration to take a proactive approach in soliciting partnerships with companies that promote and support environmentally friendly policies.

Section 4: UCSU calls upon the President and the Administration to consider whether CU’s affiliation with Los Alamos National Laboratory is appropriate, as some of Los Alamos National Laboratory's work may constitute a violation of international treaties.

Section 5: UCSU calls upon the President and the Administration to uphold and protect CU’s reputation and integrity by opposing and rejecting all involvement with the University of Texas Network for Science and Technology Education and Research, LLC, and Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Section 6: In the future, UCSU calls upon the President and the Administration to take a proactive approach in engaging and valuing discourse with the public and the students.

Section 7: This resolution takes effect upon passage by the Legislative Council in two readings and upon obtaining the signatures of the Legislative Council President and Tri-executive.





