May 2, 2007                                                                                                   67LCB#3


Sponsored by:                         Veronica Lingo                                 Journalism Co-Senator

                                                Daniel Ramos                                   Representative-at-Large



Authored by:                           Veronica Lingo                                  Journalism Co-Senator


A Bill to Address the Financial Status of the Student Group COPIRG


Bill History


During the latest funding cycle of the Spring 2007 semester, the Student Group Funding Board evaluated the eligibility of student groups on campus to determine student fee allocations for the ‘07-’08 school year. After two separate funding hearings, the SGFB—via a unanimous vote—decided to deny eligibility to CoPIRG, a local student group with ties to statewide and nationwide organizations. The basis for the denial was the inability for CoPIRG to establish that they had sufficient autonomy from their statewide organization in terms of financial and policy determination (see Chapter 5, §502 of the SGFB bylaws). CoPIRG has taken many steps to rectify this grievance, but in the ’07-’08 school year, the group will not have sufficient funding to be able to carry out its duties in order to demonstrate these improvements in time for the Spring ’08 allocation session.



Bill Summary


This bill would enact a special, one-time-only SOR allocation to the student group CoPIRG in the amount of $18,792, the sum difference between CoPIRG’s recommended budget of $64,292, taking into account $33,000 in saved monies in the Group’s SOFO account and a line-item subtraction of $12,500 for Organizational Development. This bill will only be enacted after Legislative Counsel audits the student group CoPIRG and sufficiently determines CoPIRG’s actions have rendered them compliant with SGFB code.



SECTION 1: The University of Colorado Student Union (UCSU) Legislative Council hereby enacts, under Article III, Section A (7) of the Legislative Counsel bylaws, a special one-time only SOR allocation to the student group CoPIRG in the amount of $18,792.


SECTION 2: The UCSU Legislative Council, subsequent to first reading of 67LCB02, will hereby conduct an audit of the student group CoPIRG, in accordance with Article III, Section A (7) of the Legislative Counsel bylaws.


SECTION 3: This audit shall take the form of a hearing and a determination, by roll-call vote of a majority of Legislative Counsel, that CoPIRG has sufficiently established eligibility (in compliance with SGFB bylaws, Chapter 5, §502). Participants required at the hearing include present student leaders of CoPIRG, but is open to all students who may offer relevant information. The UCSU Legislative Counsel President reserves the authority to determine the relevance of testimony and may impose limits on testimony as appropriate.


SECTION 3: Upon an affirmative ruling of eligibility, this bill takes effect upon final passage of the Legislative Counsel via a majority present and voting.



Vote Count

5/3/07                                                         Tabled                                          Acclamation

6/21/07                                                       Failed                                           0-13-0





___________________________________              ______________________________

Boyce Postma                                                            Sarah Martinez Davine

UCSU Legislative Council President                       UCSU Tri-Executive




___________________________________              ______________________________

Hadley Brown                                                           Charles Gilford

UCSU Tri-Executive                                                 UCSU Tri-Executive