University of Colorado Student Union

Legislative Council


February 25, 2009                                                       70LCR04 - Alumni Matriculation Fee


Sponsored by:                                     Kyle Haas                    Rep-At-Large


Authored by:                                        Dan Omasta               Representative at Large


Alumni “Forever Buffs” Fee



Resolution History

The University of Colorado Alumni Association is proposing a $70 matriculation fee increase for new undergraduate students commencing in fall 2009 to support the Alumni Association’s new model of the alumni experience, “Forever Buffs”.  The model will foster a lifelong partnership among undergraduates, the University, and alumni throughout the entire alumni life cycle, from pre-admission through retirement.  The model ties directly into Flagship 2030 initiatives related to effectively engaging alumni in CU-Boulder’s mission.



Resolution Summary

This resolution demonstrates the support of the University of Colorado Student Union on behalf of the proposed “Forever Buff” matriculation fee.  The Council recognizes the importance of welcoming CU students into the alumni family at the earliest point of admission into the University, and believes that this action is vital to the overall mission of fostering an inclusive and spirited campus climate.  Furthermore, this Union also supports the increased benefit to both the alumni and current student communities in the form of national communication, scholarships, employment opportunities, and professional interaction.  Therefore, on behalf of the student body, this Council acknowledges full support for the “Forever Buffs” matriculation fee.


Whereas: The Flagship 2030 strategy plan describes increased support by our alumni as being critical to the long-term success of the University.


Whereas: A larger community of alumni support directed towards the current student body can foster the growth and development of programs that will promote student awareness and opportunity surrounding: internships, employment, regional questions, résumés, fields of occupation, and network contacts. 


Whereas: The $70 matriculation fee increase is a one-time payment which provides all undergraduate students with a lifetime of services and benefits from enrollment through retirement without being faced with annual membership solicitations.


Whereas: This fee would help to establish a Student Alumni Advisory Council that would promote stable dialogue between the student body and alumni.


Whereas: On campus, this new model will provide a framework for Admissions, the CU Foundation, Career Services, and other departments to work together with the Alumni Association to enhance student life, the University, and the alumni experience.


Whereas: The $70 matriculation fee (paid only once in the first semester of an undergraduate student’s first year) is vital to providing all CU students access to lifelong alumni services and benefits, as well as funding efforts to promote a culture of  alumni service and giving to the University.



THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Legislative Council of the University of Colorado Student Union, THAT:


SECTION 1:  The University of Colorado Student Union supports the establishment of the “Forever Buffs” matriculation fee program.


SECTION 2:  The development of the “Forever Buffs” program will foster a greater sense of community between current students enrolled at the University and their fellow alumni.


SECTION 3: A stronger alumni-student relationship will strengthen the overall campus community and increase the presence of career-development programs that provide: internship, employment, and networking opportunities for undergraduate students.


SECTION 4: This Council recognizes the potential for the “Forever Buffs” program to substantially increase the value of the degree and experience gained from the University of Colorado.

SECTION 5:  This Bill takes effect upon final passage and upon obtaining the signatures of the UCSU Legislative Council President and the Tri-Executives.


SECTION 6: Upon passage, copies of this bill shall be distributed to the Chancellor, the Student Fee Board, and the Alumni Association.


Vote Count

2/26/09                                                Moved to second reading                           15-0-1

3/5/09                                                  Passed                                                           13-0-1




________________________                              _______________________

Blaine Pellicore                                                           Ryan Biehle

Legislative Council President                                     Tri-Executive




_______________________                                      _______________________

Dustin Farivar                                                             Victoria Garcia

Tri-Executive                                                               Tri-Executive